What pre pregnancy examinations and monitoring are required for second child preparation

What pre pregnancy examinations and monitoring are required for second child preparation
17:12, November 8, 2022 Sina parenting

   Pay more attention to prenatal examination when preparing for the second child

Some mothers think that they have already had a pre pregnancy examination before giving birth to their first baby, so it is unnecessary to have another examination for the second child. This idea is wrong. Although each person's blood type is fixed and whether there is hereditary familial disease is certain, the results of other items are not invariable.

The physical condition when preparing for the second child is often different from that when preparing for the first child. In particular, if the age of the second child is over 35, the physical condition is obviously inferior to that at the optimal childbearing age. The probability of premature delivery, gestational diabetes, pregnancy induced hypertension and other problems after pregnancy will increase, and the risk of delivery will also be higher. Therefore, the second child preparation should pay more attention to the pre pregnancy examination. Some pregnant mothers may not miss the best childbearing age, but they should also pay attention to the physical examination before giving birth to the second child.

   What pre pregnancy examinations and monitoring are required for second child preparation

Source: Selected from Ma Liangkun Obstetrical Clinic under the authorization of Chemical Industry Press

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