The danger of fetus "going astray" should not be underestimated

The danger of fetus "going astray" should not be underestimated
06:30, April 26, 2021 Yangzi Evening News

Generally, the normal pregnancy process is that the sperm meets the egg in the fallopian tube, then forms the fertilized egg, then moves to the uterus, implants in the uterus and develops, and slowly forms the embryo. However, this process can sometimes be caused by some unexpected factors, resulting in the fertilized egg not successfully reaching the uterus for implantation and development, but growing in other places. This is the so-called "ectopic pregnancy", which is called ectopic pregnancy in medicine.

Recently, Ms. Wang's "aunt", who was preparing for pregnancy, did not report on time. There was also a pregnancy reaction on the early pregnancy reagent. She was very happy and thought she was finally pregnant. Nearly 50 days after menopause, Ms. Wang found that there was a little bleeding in her vagina, and she did not take it seriously. She thought that she would get better after a few days of rest. A few days later, Ms. Wang suddenly felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen during the lunch break. With dizziness, nausea, anal distension, and cold sweat, her family rushed Ms. Wang to the emergency department of Jiangsu Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital for treatment. Zhu Li, the chief doctor of obstetrics and gynecology, came for consultation. After a series of examinations, it was found that Ms. Wang was an ectopic pregnancy. There was no embryo in the uterine cavity. There was 1000ml of intraperitoneal hemorrhage. She was in critical condition and needed immediate surgery. During the operation, the interstitial part of the right fallopian tube was enlarged and thickened, purple and dark, the surface was broken, and there was active bleeding, about 1000ml of blood accumulated in the pelvis and abdomen. The right fallopian tube had to be excised, and the operation was successfully completed. The patient recovered well after the operation, and was discharged 7 days later.

Fallopian tube inflammation is the main cause of tubal pregnancy. Fallopian tube inflammation can be divided into tubal mucositis and tubal peritubal inflammation. In serious cases, it can cause complete obstruction of the lumen, resulting in infertility, and in mild cases, it can cause the operation of the fertilized egg to be blocked and the egg will be implanted there. The abnormal development or function of oviduct, such as too long oviduct and poor muscular layer development, will also be the cause of oviduct pregnancy. If the secretion of estrogen and progesterone is abnormal, it will affect the normal operation of the fertilized egg. For women with a history of tubal pregnancy and tubal sterilization, the probability of tubal pregnancy is 10% - 20%. Other mental factors can also cause tubal spasm, thus interfering with the delivery of fertilized eggs.

Ectopic pregnancy is one of the most common gynecological acute abdomen. If there is menopause, abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding, you should go to the hospital immediately for diagnosis. Because once the pregnant tissue growing outside the uterine cavity is broken, it will lead to excessive bleeding and shock, or even death. The onset process is extremely dangerous, and we must be highly vigilant. Director Zhu Li reminded that in order to prevent the situation that the baby is not in the uterus after pregnancy, we should actively prevent and treat gynecological pelvic inflammation. After pregnancy, we should actively go to the hospital for diagnosis. If abnormal conditions are found, we should actively deal with them to prevent tragedy. (Zhang Jie and Yin Shuyue)

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