Six monitoring methods help you get a good pregnancy

Six monitoring methods help you get a good pregnancy
09:51, March 8, 2021 Beijing Youth Daily

Women who plan to have a baby must be familiar with the ovulation period. For couples who are praying for "good pregnancy", taking appropriate ovulation monitoring methods according to their own specific conditions and mastering the time when women are most likely to become pregnant can increase the chances of pregnancy. So, how to monitor the ovulation period? Which method is the most reliable? Which method is easier? Today, Ma Li, chief physician of gynecology and pediatrics at Rocket Army Characteristic Medical Center, combed out several commonly used ovulation monitoring methods for readers.

   The easiest way to calculate the ovulation date

The day on which eggs are discharged is called "ovulation day". Women's menstrual cycle is generally 21 to 35 days. If your menstrual cycle is regular, the ovulation day is generally 14 days before the next menstruation. For example, if the menstrual cycle is 30 days, and the first day of this menstrual cycle is September 1, then the next menstrual cycle will be about October 30, 14 days ahead, and the ovulation date will be around September 16. Therefore, the first five days and the last four days of September 16 are called ovulation period, during which you can have sex every other day to increase the probability of pregnancy. This method is not particularly accurate, but it is the simplest way to predict ovulation.

   High requirements for basic body temperature measurement

After 6 to 8 hours of sleep, without any interference factors, such as standing up, moving, eating, etc., immediately measure the sublingual temperature, which is the basic temperature. The basal body temperature can indirectly reflect the ovarian function of women. For healthy women in the reproductive period, the basal body temperature changes with the menstrual cycle. The body temperature is low in the follicular phase and lowest on the day of ovulation. After ovulation (luteal phase), it increases by 0.3 ℃ to 0.5 ℃ for 12 to 14 days.

By measuring the basic temperature, we can know whether there is ovulation and estimate the date of ovulation. We should measure it every day from the first day of menstruation to the next period. It is better to measure it continuously for more than 3 months to find out our own ovulation rule. If we have roommates in the days before and after the lowest and rising temperature, the pregnancy rate will be higher.

This method is low in cost and only needs a thermometer, but its disadvantages are also obvious. It has many influencing factors, such as the intense activity the night before yesterday, the length of sleep, the time of taking temperature every day, and the impact of other diseases. It is only applicable to those who have perseverance, work and rest regularly, do not have to get up early to work, and do not have to stay up late to work overtime.

   The cervical mucus judgment method is not practical

The character of cervical mucus is affected by the change of ovarian hormone level. In follicular phase, with the increase of follicles and estrogen, cervical mucus also increased; When approaching ovulation, the amount of mucus is the largest, and it becomes thin, transparent, and elastic, such as egg white, and can be brushed up to 10 cm, which is convenient for sperm to pass through, and can also extend the survival time of sperm. After ovulation, under the influence of progesterone, the amount of mucus decreases and becomes mushy. Therefore, the days when women feel that their vaginal secretions are large and as bright as egg white are easy to conceive. But this method is actually not very practical. Sometimes some drugs may interfere with the shape of secreting cervical mucus, and the accuracy of judging the ovulation date is relatively low.

   Ovulation test paper prediction method is ideal

The ovulation test paper actually tested the emergence of LH (luteinizing hormone) peak. Follicular development and ovulation are regulated by hypothalamus pituitary. Before ovulation, the LH secreted by pituitary rises rapidly. The LH peak is a reliable indicator of impending ovulation, which usually occurs 36 hours before follicle rupture.

Use ovulation test paper to test ovulation. It should start from the 8th to 10th day of menstruation. The time to start the test can be adjusted appropriately according to the length of the menstrual cycle. The test should be conducted at the same time every day, and the test results should be read within 10 minutes. As the color of the red bar that indicates positive gradually deepens, the interval between the next test should be gradually shortened, from 12 hours to 6 hours, 4 hours, or even 2 hours, so as not to miss the capture of LH peak. One or two days before and after the peak, if you have sex in time, "good pregnancy" will come. The ovulation test paper prediction method has high accuracy, convenience and rapidity, and is an ideal method to calculate the ovulation period. However, it is necessary to spend money to purchase test paper and conduct multiple tests, and there is also a certain risk of missing the positive peak.

   B ultrasound is the most accurate method for monitoring ovulation

B-ultrasound monitoring generally starts from the 10th day of menstruation. According to the development of follicles, the doctor will tell the time of the next review of B-ultrasound. When the follicles develop to an average diameter of 18 mm, the ovulation period is approaching, and at this time you can have a pregnancy test in the same room. B ultrasound is the most intuitive and reliable method to monitor ovulation. It can accurately see the size and development of follicles and judge the ovulation time, which is the most accurate method to judge the ovulation period. However, B ultrasound monitoring ovulation needs to be performed by professional ultrasound doctors in regular hospitals, which costs a lot of time and money.

   B ultrasound+ovulation test paper monitoring method is more reliable

When measuring the LH peak value with the ovulation test paper, combined with the examination results of B ultrasound, it can more accurately monitor the occurrence and development of ovulation, and should be the most "reliable" method to find the ovulation date. But the combination of these two methods requires more patience and effort.

Wen/Mo Peng (Rocket Army Characteristic Medical Center)

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