The abnormal results of the prenatal examination do not mean there must be a problem

The abnormal results of the prenatal examination do not mean there must be a problem
17:29, November 15, 2022 Sina parenting

   The results of the prenatal examination are not conclusive

   Abnormal test results do not mean that there must be a problem. In the face of prenatal examination, pregnant mothers are most worried about

What should we do if there are problems in the inspection results. In fact, an abnormal examination result alone does not indicate a problem. When there is a problem with an examination result, the doctor will arrange further troubleshooting according to the situation. It is likely that the value of this time is biased and the next time it will be normal. So pregnant mothers must relax. Too much tension is not conducive to the development of the baby. In case of some special circumstances, we should also follow the doctor's advice and guidance and carry out necessary diagnostic tests.

   Doctors only provide choices, and you are the one who makes up your mind

The antenatal examination is one of the important means to ensure good birth and fertility. It is a popular routine examination and screening, mainly aimed at preventing and early discovering some common and high incidence pregnancy diseases, such as ectopic pregnancy, threatened abortion, pregnancy induced hypertension, pregnancy induced diabetes, etc., and handling and treatment under the guidance of doctors. Most pregnant mothers can pass the examination smoothly.

For treatable diseases, the doctor will suggest taking measures to intervene. If the prenatal diagnosis results are not satisfactory, the doctor may give advice on terminating pregnancy, but the final decision is in the hands of the prospective parents. For example, the Down's screening (Down's syndrome, also known as trisomy 21 syndrome) is high-risk, and further prenatal diagnostic examination of fetal chromosomes is needed. If the diagnosis is clear, early termination of pregnancy can be considered.

This topic may be a bit heavy, but I believe that those who are well prepared for parents can face these problems directly, and no matter what problems they encounter during pregnancy, I hope that prospective parents will make rational and unrepentant decisions.


Prenatal diagnosis, also known as intrauterine diagnosis, refers to the use of various detection methods to understand the development of the fetus in the uterus before birth, such as observing whether there are abnormalities, analyzing chromosome karyotypes, etc., to diagnose congenital and genetic diseases, and provide scientific basis for intrauterine treatment and selective abortion of the fetus.

   Prevent birth defects to the greatest extent

If pregnant mothers can take some preventive measures in the preparatory stage, the occurrence of malformations can be greatly reduced. In pregnancy, pregnant mothers do the following things, and many birth defects can also be avoided.

Source: Selected from Ma Liangkun Obstetrical Clinic under the authorization of Chemical Industry Press

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