Here are the answers to common questions during pregnancy

Here are the answers to common questions during pregnancy
11:20, March 5, 2021 Yangzi Evening News

It is sweet and full of expectation to welcome the arrival of new life. But pregnancy has never been easy. What problems do you often encounter during pregnancy and how should you deal with them? Shen Hui, deputy chief obstetrician of Taikang Xianlin Gulou Hospital, answered the question for everyone.

   How to choose a delivery hospital?

After a woman confirms her pregnancy, she needs to go to the hospital to set up a card to record the inspection time, inspection items and inspection conditions throughout the pregnancy, so that the doctor will know more about the pregnant mother's situation during childbirth, and can take measures quickly if the pregnant mother has an emergency.

Choose a regular hospital with delivery qualification, and try to be as close as possible. Generally, you can choose a hospital within 10 kilometers from home. If the pregnant mother's expected date of delivery is earlier, the hospital can quickly get medical treatment near home.

Pregnant mothers can first check whether the environment of the alternative hospital is comfortable or there is enough room for pregnant women to be diagnosed.

If the pregnant mother has high risk factors, such as elderly women, basic diseases such as thyroid disease and diabetes, or complications of pregnancy complications such as placenta previa and threatened abortion, then the pregnant mother should try to choose a tertiary or higher comprehensive hospital, so as to ensure the safe delivery of the pregnant mother.

   How to deal with pregnancy cold?

In the first three months of pregnancy, pregnant mothers should especially take precautions against colds, such as wearing masks, reducing access to public places as much as possible, and strengthening their own resistance.

If you have a cold, your pregnant mother should try to have more rest, drink more warm water, eat light food and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables; If you want to relieve nasal congestion or throat discomfort, you can gargle with light salt water.

If the cold symptoms are not obvious, it is recommended to postpone the medication. After three months (the teratogenic risk is reduced), the medication can be used under the guidance of a doctor. If there is a high fever, the pregnant mother needs to see a doctor in time.

   How to deal with indigestion during pregnancy?

After pregnancy, the influence of hormone levels in pregnant mothers' receptors will lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction, decreased gastric acid secretion, prolonged gastric emptying time and other problems, which may lead to poor appetite, nausea, vomiting and other indigestion symptoms of pregnant mothers.

Generally, it can be improved through reasonable diet. It is recommended to eat less and more meals, and eat some light and digestible food, such as porridge, soymilk, milk and fruit. Eat less greasy meat food that is not easy to digest.

Pregnant mothers try to keep themselves in a happy mood and avoid nervous or anxious mental state. You can also take proper exercise, such as walking and yoga, and do some favorite exercises within your body's tolerance, which can not only relax your body and mood, but also help digestion.

   What should I do if I feel dyspnea during pregnancy?

After pregnancy, the protruding uterus of the pregnant mother compresses the chest upward, and the lung volume decreases. When lying down for rest, the uterus compresses the chest more severely, which is easy to cause breathing difficulties.

When lying down, the pregnant mother can use several pillows to raise her upper body to reduce the pressure of the stomach on the uterus. In the late pregnancy, she can use the rest mode of lying on the left side to improve breathing difficulties and chest pain. Dyspnea may also be related to pregnancy anemia and other reasons, so doctors can check and judge during prenatal examination.

   How to deal with insomnia during pregnancy?

Many pregnant mothers have trouble with insomnia, and can try the following methods to improve: 1. Sleep less during the day and drink less water at night; 2。 Try to drink less strong tea, milk tea and coffee; 3。 Soak your feet in hot water before going to bed; 4。 Use less electronic products before going to bed. The light of mobile phones and tablets will inhibit the secretion of melatonin and interfere with sleep; 5。 Look at a book that makes you bored. Think about which book you read when you were a student can make you sleepy, and then turn it over again; 6。 Moderate exercise, fatigue after exercise is easy to make you fall asleep.

   How to choose the delivery mode?

The mode of delivery is mainly natural delivery and caesarean section. The choice of delivery mode should be based on the physical condition of the pregnant woman and the specific situation of the fetus. Natural delivery should be the first choice for the pregnant woman with good physical condition, moderate fetal weight, and normal fetal position;

If the pregnant mother has fetal malposition, fetal distress, fetal weight is too large, and the scar uterus is at risk of rupture, surgery should be taken more often. Before choosing the mode of delivery, the doctor will also check the pregnant mother and give the most appropriate delivery suggestions according to the situation.

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