How to eat during pregnancy? Recommend this diet guide

How to eat during pregnancy? Recommend this diet guide
11:17, February 22, 2021 People's Network

Good nutrition is the key factor to ensure the health of women and children. In order to improve the nutritional awareness of pregnant women, today we will talk about diet nutrition during pregnancy.

   Nutrition during pregnancy should be balanced, and too much or insufficient nutrition is unfavorable

With the improvement of living standards, more and more attention has been paid to diet and nutrition during pregnancy. During this period, if the pregnant mother is undernourished, anemia, hypoglycemia, low blood calcium, osteomalacia and other problems will occur, which can also induce human related complications, such as premature rupture of membranes, uterine contractility during childbirth, and even postpartum hemorrhage caused by uterine contractility, It is also prone to postpartum milk shortage and other problems.

If the pregnant mother does not take enough nutrition, the growth and development of the baby will also be affected. Many babies' congenital defects are closely related to intrauterine nutrition deficiency. For example, severe iodine deficiency of pregnant mothers will lead to cretinism, folic acid deficiency will lead to neural tube malformations, and protein and energy malnutrition will affect the intellectual development of babies. In addition, the nutritional status of pregnant mothers is also related to the risk of chronic non infectious diseases after the baby grows up, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as obesity, hyperglycemia, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and even cancer.

However, over nutrition is a more prominent problem during pregnancy. The common phenomenon now is that pregnant mothers gain too much weight. We should be aware that this will increase the risk of some diseases. For example, excessive weight gain in early and middle pregnancy may lead to gestational diabetes, hypertension and macrosomia.

   After pregnancy, how should I eat three meals a day?

In the early pregnancy, some pregnant mothers will eat twice as much food in order to provide the baby with the nutrition needed for growth and development in the womb. This practice is not recommended if sufficient nutrition is provided before pregnancy. Because the baby's development is very slow in this period, there is no need to supplement, but we should ensure that the key nutrients are sufficient, such as folic acid, iron, and iodine.

In addition, most pregnant mothers have early pregnancy reactions, and those with severe vomiting even cannot get water. Therefore, pay special attention to carbohydrate intake. 130 grams of carbohydrates can be consumed every day, which is equivalent to about half of the staple food. If carbohydrate intake is insufficient, it is necessary to mobilize the second major producer - fat. Fat energy supply will produce an intermediate metabolite ketone body, which can freely affect the development of the fetal brain through the placenta.

How should I eat it in the early pregnancy? The following issues should be paid attention to when supplementing dietary nutrition:

1. The diet need not be increased. Pregnant mothers with good appetite and mild vomiting should not eat too many snacks to avoid excessive energy. Excess energy will increase the risk of diabetes and macrosomia.

2. Don't over nourish yourself. Some pregnant mothers think that the more vitamins they take, the better. This is wrong. For example, excessive vitamin A will increase the risk of miscarriage.

3. If pregnant vomiting is especially serious, seek medical advice in time. If the pregnant mother is unable to eat, it will lead to consumption exceeding intake, insufficient nutrition, nutrition metabolism disorder and ketone body, which will affect the baby's brain development.

In short, in the early pregnancy, the main task is to check and remedy deficiencies in order to timely adjust malnutrition or excess. It is better to invite a nutrition clinic doctor to make a comprehensive assessment.

During the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the baby's growth speed gradually accelerates, and comprehensive and balanced nutrition is required. During the second trimester, 300 kcal of energy should be added every day, with sufficient protein support. Pregnant mothers should ensure the intake of meat, eggs, and bean products. In the third trimester, 450 kcal of energy should be added to the first trimester.

How to eat healthily in the middle and late pregnancy, which is most beneficial to fetal development?

1. Avoid excessive weight gain. Pregnant mothers who take too much supplements to gain weight quickly will increase the incidence of diabetes and hypertension, and overweight babies will have an increased chance of obesity and cardiovascular disease in adulthood.

2. High nutritional requirements. The demand for iron in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy is almost 10 times that in the first and non pregnancy periods, reaching 7.5 mg/day, so pregnant mothers should eat some red meat properly. We should also increase the intake of dairy products. Adequate calcium is conducive to the development of fetal bones and teeth.

3. Increase dietary fiber intake. After the second trimester, gastrointestinal peristalsis slows down with the enlargement of the uterus and changes in hormones. At this time, dietary fiber content should be increased in the diet, such as whole grains, potatoes, and beans. Pay attention to avoid excessive fruit intake to avoid excessive weight gain.

In general, it is recommended to take 275-300 grams of cereals and potatoes, 300-500 grams of vegetables and fruits, 150-200 grams of eggs, 100-150 grams of meat, 300-500 grams of milk, 20 grams of soybeans, 10 grams of nuts, less than 6 grams of salt, and 2.5~3 spoons of oil every day during the second trimester of pregnancy; In the third trimester, the staple food increased by 25g, and the meat increased by 50g.

Expert: Li Guanghui, Director of Perinatal Endocrine Substitution Department of Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital

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