Why does the skin get worse after pregnancy? How to care for skin during pregnancy?

Why does the skin get worse after pregnancy? How to care for skin during pregnancy?
00:32, February 1, 2021 Sina parenting

Postpartum hair loss is serious, how to save the hairline? After the age of 30, how to do a good job in anti-aging work? How to care for children's skin and how to choose skin care products? Tong Xiao, the chief physician of Badachu plastic surgery clinic, visited the "Open Class of Child Care" of Sina parenting, and talked with everyone about "from pregnancy to child care, face management!" https://zhibo.sina.com.cn/baby/chydye

 Tong Xiao, Chief Physician of Badachu Plastic Clinic Tong Xiao, Chief Physician of Badachu Plastic Clinic

   Sina parenting: Many expectant mothers ask, what's the matter with your skin getting worse after pregnancy?

   Tong Xiao: After pregnancy, the skin of pregnant women will become worse, mainly due to endocrine changes, the metabolism of pregnant women is strong, the secretion of sebum sweat glands is excessive and sweats more, and the secretion of oil is also more, which is prone to folliculitis. After pregnancy, when the hormone changes and the hormone level increases, chloasma will appear, mainly on both sides of the cheeks, around the eyes, and on the forehead.

After pregnancy, the ovaries and placenta will secrete a large amount of estrogen. Appropriate estrogen will keep the skin hydrated, promote the skin metabolism and blood circulation, and make the skin soft, moist and shiny. But once estrogen is excessive, it will backfire. Excess estrogen will promote the increase of melanin in skin melanocytes, which will cause pigmentation such as spots on the pregnant mother's skin.

   Sina Child Care: What are the precautions for skin care during pregnancy?

   Tong Xiao: 1. Selection of skin care products

Ordinary cosmetics contain complex chemical components and additives, which are not conducive to maternal and fetal health. Skin care products for pregnant women must be safe and guaranteed.

2. Basic skin care

It warns those pregnant mothers who love beauty too much that during pregnancy, such as color makeup and heavy makeup can not be put on again, but only basic skin care can be carried out for pregnant women. The so-called basic skin care refers to daily face washing, application of moisturizing products and isolation cream, which can achieve the purpose of moisturizing the face and brightening the skin color.

3. Reasonable diet

During pregnancy, in addition to ensuring basic skin care with pregnant women's skin care products every day, you can also recuperate your skin with some food. Pregnant mothers to be should take more high-quality animal protein and vitamins A, B, B2, C in their daily diet; Do not blindly consume high calories to prevent excessive fat intake, weight surge and the resulting excessive oil secretion.

   Statement: Sina parenting exclusive manuscript, unauthorized reproduction is prohibited!

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