Hot question of breast feeding: chicken soup and fish soup increase milk volume? Can I touch coffee and milk tea

Hot question of breast feeding: chicken soup and fish soup increase milk volume? Can I touch coffee and milk tea
15:37, May 21, 2024 Beijing News

Breastfeeding is the most precious gift that mothers give their children at the beginning of life. In order to ensure enough milk and make milk nutrition more suitable for children's growth and development, mothers are careful not to step into the food minefield. May 20 is the 34th "National Breastfeeding Publicity Day", which focuses on common dietary problems in breast feeding.

   [Science popularization expert]

Guiping, head nurse and nurse in charge of obstetrics in Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Song Lili, Deputy Director of Nursing Department of Beijing Maternity Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University

Huang Li, Assistant Director of Nursing Department of Fudan University Affiliated Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital

   Q: Can chicken soup and fish soup increase milk volume?

   A: There is no high-quality clinical research evidence that drinking soup can increase milk production. Some mothers feel that the amount of milk becomes more after drinking soup, which may be because the water in the soup plays a role, or it may increase the confidence of mothers to "chase milk" after drinking soup. Mothers who like soup at ordinary times can drink some light soup appropriately, such as vegetable soup, fish soup, chicken soup, etc. Mothers who do not like soup themselves do not suggest forcing themselves to drink soup. This will not increase milk production, but will affect milk secretion for emotional reasons.

   Q: Can peanut chips and loofah increase milk yield?

   A: The effect of food on lactation is often not obvious and varies from person to person. Seaweed, shellfish, cheese, walnuts, peanut chips, loofah, brown sugar and glutinous rice porridge, hot chocolate, peanut milk and other foods may have a milk promoting effect, but most of them come from other people's experience rather than scientific basis. To increase the amount of milk, you need to increase the frequency of effective breast sucking. The more milk is discharged, the more milk will be produced.

   Q: Does leek, barley tea and other food return milk?

   A: As no food has a significant effect on lactation, no food has a significant effect on milk return. Mothers don't have to avoid certain foods. On the contrary, the diet during lactation should be diversified. The amount of milk mainly depends on the amount of milk removed, and the effective discharge of milk is the fundamental condition to maintain sufficient milk. At the same time, lactating mothers should maintain a happy mood, which is also beneficial to increase milk production.

   Q: Can the baby eat seafood during lactation be allergic?

   A: Breastfeeding mothers can eat seafood. According to the Chinese Dietary Guidelines, breast-feeding mothers should eat at least one time a week of fat rich sea fish to increase DHA supplementation. However, the baby may be allergic after the mother eats seafood. It is recommended that mothers eat a small amount of seafood when eating seafood for the first time. If the baby has no obvious allergy symptoms after several days of observation, it can be eaten normally.

   Q: Can I drink coffee and milk tea during lactation?

   A: A small amount of caffeine will enter mother's milk, and 1-2 cups of coffee a day will not affect breastfeeding. When breastfeeding mothers start drinking coffee or milk tea, they can first observe whether the baby has trouble falling asleep and is easy to wake up. If the baby's status is the same as usual, mothers can enjoy coffee, milk tea and other foods containing caffeine, but not too much.

   Q: Has always been "clear water milk" to supplement nutrition?

   A: Some mothers find that the milk has always been clear water milk in the process of breast-feeding, and worry about whether the nutrition is sufficient. In fact, each mother's diet background, physical condition, etc. are different, but as long as the baby's growth indicators are in a normal state, there is no need to worry. Not every mother's milk is thick white. As long as the baby's growth indicators meet its age, there is no need to doubt the quality of milk.

   Q: During breast-feeding, do mothers need calcium supplements?

   A: Mothers should properly supplement calcium during breastfeeding, which can increase the calcium content in milk. During lactation, the mother needs to take 1200 mg of calcium every day, and can take 400 mg - 600 mg of calcium in her daily diet, that is, an additional 600 mg of calcium every day.

Beijing News reporter Zhang Zhaohui

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