How should novice mothers eat their monthly meal after giving birth?

How should novice mothers eat their monthly meal after giving birth?
20:18, December 16, 2022 Sina parenting

   How to eat the monthly meal

   Week 1:

   Eliminate lochia and promote wound healing

   Food focus on the first day after delivery

   The new mother can eat after childbirth

A new mother who has a natural birth can eat after giving birth to her baby. At this time, the new mother is weak and has no appetite. The family can prepare some brown sugar millet porridge for the new mother to nourish her blood and restore her vitality.

Some new mothers feel tired, tired, or have poor gastrointestinal function in the first day or two after childbirth. They can choose lighter, soft and digestible foods, such as noodles, wontons, porridge, steamed or boiled eggs and boiled meat dishes, and then slowly transition to normal meals.

   After cesarean section, the new mother will exhaust before eating

Generally speaking, the mother of cesarean section will exhaust 12 to 24 hours after the operation. If she does not exhaust within 24 hours, she needs to find a doctor to give guidance, such as getting out of bed early, walking, massage, medicine, etc. A small amount of water and radish water can be drunk 6 hours after the operation to promote intestinal peristalsis and help exhaust as soon as possible. After exhaust, you can gradually eat liquid food for 1 day, but do not eat milk, soymilk, concentrated sugar water and other food that is easy to flatulence. After the situation improved, they were given semi liquid food for 1 to 2 days, and then converted to normal diet.

   Never drink milk soup before feeding

As long as the baby sucks the breast as soon as possible after delivery, the breast tube will be unblocked, and when the breast tube is unblocked, the baby will be fed. Some mothers will give milk after the baby sucks, but some mothers may have swelling, fever, etc. At this time, it is necessary to breastfeed, and must follow the doctor's advice.

If a mother drinks milk soup before feeding, before the breast ducts are completely unblocked, it is easy to cause milk stasis, breast pain, and even fever. Therefore, never drink milk soup before feeding.

   Food focus on the second day after delivery

   Eat soft and rotten noodles and porridge

On the second day after delivery, the new mother's gastrointestinal function has not yet recovered, and she still needs to focus on light and digestible food, such as millet porridge, lean meat porridge, steamed eggs, etc. Eating eggs can promote the recovery of new mothers, but not more is better. Eating eggs should be 2 a day.

   Drink some brown sugar water to help discharge lochia

On the second day after delivery, lochia begins to increase. At this time, the excretion of lochia can be promoted through food tonic. You can drink some brown sugar water, which can not only supplement carbohydrates, but also promote the discharge of lochia. From now on until the 10th day after delivery, you can drink a cup of brown sugar water every day, but it is not suitable to drink it for a long time, because drinking brown sugar water for a long time will increase the blood volume in lochia, and then cause anemia.

   Drink biochemical soup, recuperate and expel lochia

Shenghua Decoction is a postpartum prescription often used by postpartum new mothers to dissipate blood stasis and stop bleeding, which can generate blood and remove blood stasis and help discharge lochia. Biochemical soup is made from angelica, chuanxiong, processed ginger, roasted liquorice, peeled peach kernel, and yellow rice wine. Generally, Chinese medicine stores have good ingredients, which can be fried when you buy them. However, it should not be taken immediately after delivery. Generally, new mothers who give birth naturally can drink it on the 2nd to 3rd day after delivery, while new mothers who give birth by cesarean section should drink it on the 7th day after delivery. Biochemical soup should be warm to drink, and should not be taken for a long time. It should be taken for 7 days, not more than 2 weeks. Because two weeks after delivery, the endometrium of the new mother has begun a new growth period, and the biochemical soup has the effect of removing blood stasis, which is not conducive to the regeneration of endometrium, and is prone to bleeding. New mothers had better consult a doctor before drinking. New mothers with postpartum blood fever and stasis should not drink it; New mothers with excessive lochia and bleeding are also not suitable for drinking.

   Pay attention to enriching blood

Iron is one of the main ingredients to promote the formation of heme in the blood. Heme can make the skin ruddy and shiny. Therefore, foods rich in iron in mother's diet are indispensable, such as animal blood, animal liver, agaric, kelp, sesame, red beans, etc.

   Food focus on the third day after delivery

   Continue to focus on soft and rotten food, and do not make a big supplement

On the third day after delivery, the new mother is still in the recovery period, and the intestinal function is also weak. The diet is still suitable for easy digestion. The greasy and nutritious food, such as chicken soup, is not suitable for eating. Don't eat stimulating food, too sour or too spicy.

   Eat more food that can promote the excretion of lochia

When there is a lot of lochia after delivery, the new mother can eat more food that can help to expel lochia, such as glutinous rice donkey hide gelatin porridge, red jujube lotus seed porridge, motherwort boiled eggs and other food that can enhance the hematopoietic function to promote the excretion of lochia.

   Non lactating mothers should supplement while returning to the breast

Some new mothers may not be able to breast feed for some reasons and need to return milk. At this time, they should eat some foods that inhibit the secretion of milk, such as fried malt. Try to stay away from foods that promote milk secretion, such as peanuts, pig hooves, crucian carp, etc. However, since she has just experienced childbirth, her new mother needs to be nourished when she recovers. She should eat some food with low calorie, low fat and strong nourishing function, so as to replenish while returning to the breast.


Strengthen breakfast nutrition and delay the arrival of hunger in the morning; Drink milk at night to stabilize mood and improve sleep.

   Dietary focus on the 4th to 7th day after delivery

   The diet should still be light and not greasy

Mother's digestive function has not yet fully recovered, so the diet should be light and not greasy, rather than tonic. Because the gastrointestinal muscle tension is still low in the early puerperium, the intestinal peristalsis is weakened, and the new mother has a poor appetite. At this time, if she eats too much greasy food, she will suddenly supplement, which will make it difficult for the body to accept, causing indigestion and malabsorption. Therefore, the diet must be light and not too greasy.

   Can drink some prolactin soup

Generally, on the fourth day after delivery, the new mother begins to officially secrete milk. At this time, it is appropriate to drink more soup, but the floating oil in the soup should be removed to avoid blocking the breast with too much high-fat food, and eating too much fat too early will also cause too much fat in the milk, which is easy to cause Baobao diarrhea.

   Take some food to promote wound healing

At this time, the mother has energy to take care of the baby. The physical consumption will increase accordingly, and the wound will start to heal. She should eat more food to promote the wound healing. Protein rich foods such as lean meat and eggs can help promote wound healing and reduce the chance of infection; Carrots, broccoli, pig liver and other foods rich in vitamin A can promote wound healing; Fresh jujube, kiwi fruit, kale and other foods rich in vitamin C can also help promote wound healing.


According to the traditional concept, we should eat less or even no fruits and vegetables during the lunar month. In fact, fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, dietary fiber and minerals, which can stimulate appetite, increase appetite, moisturize skin, help digestion and defecation, and prevent and regulate postpartum constipation.

It should be noted that fruit is best soaked in warm water before eating, which can not only supplement nutrition, but also protect teeth. When eating vegetables, make sure they are soft and rotten within one week after delivery.

   Eat appropriate food to relieve depression

Most mothers will have more or less emotional fluctuations at the beginning of the month. They often feel aggrieved or even cry because of some unsatisfying things, which affects their recovery and mental state, and affects normal breastfeeding.

At this time, mothers should eat these foods to alleviate: eggs, dark green vegetables, milk, cereals and other foods rich in B vitamins; Bananas, lean meat, nuts and other foods rich in potassium ions; Milk, millet, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and other foods rich in tryptophan.

You can also eat some sweet foods that make you feel happy, but try to choose healthy foods such as red dates, black dates, longans, raisins, etc. instead of eating too much chocolate, biscuits, cakes, etc., to avoid obesity.

   Eat more sleeping food

Today, many troubles of mother have been alleviated and she has begun to have energy to take care of the baby. Therefore, the mother wants to do everything for her baby. As a result, she is nervous. She also wants to feed her baby in time when she sleeps at night. It is easy to lose sleep. At this time, the family can prepare some food for the mother to adjust neural function and improve sleep, such as milk, millet, longan, lotus seeds, mulberries, etc.


   Less salt for drainage

After childbirth, the body will sweat and urinate to drain excess water from the body. Therefore, during confinement, the diet should be light and less salt, because excessive salt intake will keep water in the body.

Source: Selected from Ma Liangkun Obstetrical Clinic under the authorization of Chemical Industry Press

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