What should we pay attention to if the first fetus is delivered by cesarean section?

What should we pay attention to if the first fetus is delivered by cesarean section?
18:43, November 10, 2022 Sina parenting

   First cesarean section, when can I have a second child

The best time for uterine scar healing is 2 to 3 years after the operation. Therefore, doctors generally recommend contraception for more than 2 years, especially for mothers who want to have a second child and have a second child when the uterine incision is almost recovered.

After cesarean section, the uterine incision does not heal "firmly" in a short period of time. If you are pregnant prematurely, with the development of the fetus, the uterus will continue to grow, the tensile force of the uterine scar will increase, and the uterine wall will become thinner, which has the potential risk of cracking and is likely to cause massive bleeding. In addition, after cesarean section, there is usually a defect in the local endometrium of the uterine scar, and the fertilized egg cannot be fully decidualized here, which is very likely to lead to placental implantation.

   Cesarean section of the first fetus and delivery mode of the second fetus

Many mothers want to know whether the first birth is cesarean section, and the second birth is not likely to be delivered naturally. Whether it is a first birth or not, the second birth must be cesarean section.

Generally speaking, the first cesarean section, the second birth is a chance of natural birth. If there is no indication of the previous cesarean section during delivery, such as fetal distress, uterine atony, fetal malposition, etc., the second child can be delivered naturally.

   What to do during pregnancy? The probability of spontaneous delivery after cesarean section is higher

   When is cesarean section required

If one of the following conditions occurs when pregnant with the second child, cesarean section should be selected according to the doctor's advice.

In fact, no matter what the situation is, mothers should not rush to choose the mode of delivery on their own. They should listen to the doctor's advice and choose the most appropriate mode of delivery according to their own physical conditions and the development of the baby.

   Operation position of cesarean section

Cesarean section is also decided after giving birth to the second child. Is there any change in the operation position? The regulations of each hospital are different, so they cannot be generalized. However, it is rarely seen that the first child is operated transversely, and the second child is operated longitudinally. Generally speaking, the operation will be performed at the same place where the first baby is born. After the operation in the place where there have been scars, the last scar left is a scar.


   What should be paid attention to when pregnant again after the first premature birth

Don't be careless. Go to the hospital in time in case of any abnormality. Data shows that people who have experienced preterm delivery may also be preterm in the next pregnancy. This is related to the recurrent diseases such as intrauterine infection, pregnancy induced hypertension, etc.

Although the next pregnancy may not lead to premature delivery, expectant mothers who have experienced premature delivery once should be vigilant and seek medical attention in case of any abnormality.

Source: Selected from Ma Liangkun Obstetrical Clinic under the authorization of Chemical Industry Press

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