Breastfeeding Do you "feed" your baby right?

Breastfeeding Do you "feed" your baby right?
06:30, May 21, 2021 Xinhua

"What should I do if I want to breast feed exclusively, but the milk is not enough?" "How many months should I breast feed?" "Do I still need to breast feed exclusively?" How much do you know about these topics that bother novice mothers? Experts said that formula milk is based on human milk as the "gold standard". Human milk contains a lot of protein, immunoglobulin, fatty acids and other nutrients, especially immunoglobulin, which is incomparable to many milk powders. If conditions permit, it is best to breastfeed until the age of 2 years.

   Why is formula milk inferior to breast milk? Because of the lack of this

According to Hu Yan, deputy director of the Center for Children and Adolescents' Growth, Development and Mental Health of Children's Hospital Affiliated to Chongqing Medical University, all formula milk powder is prepared according to the composition of human milk: "Once a certain composition is found in human milk, the formula milk powder will be added accordingly, but there are still a lot of undiscovered ingredients in human milk. In addition, breast milk contains a lot of immune active substances, which can provide immune protection and reduce the infection rate of gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system when the baby's immune function is immature, which is also beyond the reach of formula milk powder. "

Hu Yan stressed that the nutrition of breast milk is always better than that of formula milk powder. The World Health Organization and the National Health Commission both advocate pure breast milk feeding until six months. At the same time, the feeding process can also increase the emotional communication between the mother and the child, which is also conducive to the emotional development of the child. In addition, in the process of milk secretion, the mother will secrete oxytocin at the same time, thus promoting the recovery of the uterus, and also helping the mother to recover. "Of course, it can also reduce the risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer, which is good for both mothers and children, so we must adhere to breastfeeding."

   Insufficient milk? In fact, it's just your lack of confidence!

When is the best time to open milk after childbirth? Hu Yan said that it is best to let children suck their mothers' breasts within 15 minutes to two hours after delivery. The process of sucking can help mothers secrete oxytocin and prolactin, which is what people say is easy to "suckle".

Many mothers who exclusively breast feed will worry about their insufficient milk, or wonder how much to feed. Hu Yan gave three "observation indications": first, observe the situation of the baby when it sucks, for example, you can hear the sound of continuous swallowing, and sleep more safely after eating; The second is the daily amount of urine. Under normal circumstances, babies within three months urinate about 6 or 7 times a day, indicating that breast milk is sufficient; "The most important thing is to observe whether the child's weight gain is good. If they grow along their own track within the normal growth curve, mothers can rest assured."

Hu Yan reminds mothers who want to continue breastfeeding to strengthen their confidence. "The mother is the most selfless. She will adjust her own milk secretion according to the needs of the baby. Sometimes, the mother feels that the secretion of breast milk is not enough, which is also related to her own confidence and emotion." In addition, the family and society also need to give support to breastfeeding mothers.

   Do you need to avoid food during lactation? Healthy and light diet is enough

Some mothers give up a lot of delicious food in order to give their babies the best nutrition. They are afraid that feeding their babies with breast milk after eating will cause diarrhea and so on, so they do everything to avoid eating. Hu Yan said that lactating mothers do not particularly need food taboos. "We advocate a healthy diet and a light diet. It's better to keep a diet diary: what you eat today, what kind of reaction your child has. If you eat a certain food many times, your child will have discomfort, so you need to be alert."

Hu Yan reminded that some babies have allergic reactions after drinking breast milk, which is actually due to some food taken by their mothers,

The protein fragments are not fully digested and absorbed. As the milk is fed into the child's body, allergic symptoms are induced, which is called "breast milk mediated food allergy". However, in this case, it is only necessary for the mother to avoid allergic food in her diet, and do not stop breast milk blindly.

Do you stop breastfeeding when you have a cold? Hu Yan said: "Usually, if the mother has a cold or fever, as long as it is not very serious, the virus infection is common. Pay attention to avoid direct contact with the child, and can wear a mask for feeding." But in the case of severe acute infection, especially during the medication period, the doctor needs to go to the hospital to determine whether to continue breastfeeding.

Xinhua Chongqing, May 20, by wire (Tao Yulian)

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