Fifteen departments jointly prevent and control myopia in children and adolescents

Fifteen departments jointly prevent and control myopia in children and adolescents
06:02, May 17, 2021 Xinhua News Agency

Journalist Hu Hao learned from the Ministry of Education on May 11 that the Ministry of Education and other departments in the 10th Five Year Plan jointly issued the Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Myopia among Children and Adolescents (2021-2025) recently, and jointly implemented eight special actions to prevent and control myopia among children and adolescents.

Wang Dengfeng, Director of the Department of Sports Health and Arts Education of the Ministry of Education and Director of the Joint Conference Mechanism Office for the National Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Children and Teenagers' Myopia, introduced that eight special actions include guiding students to consciously love their eyes and protect their eyes, reducing their academic burden, strengthening outdoor activities and physical exercises, using electronic products in a scientific and standardized manner, implementing visual health monitoring Improve the visual environment of students, improve the quality of professional guidance and correction, and strengthen visual health education. It emphasizes that families should be guided to cooperate with schools to effectively reduce children's academic burden, and they should not blindly participate in extracurricular training and follow the trend of class reporting; Efforts should be made to ensure that students have one hour of physical activity each day on campus and off campus; Encourage schools at the basic education stage to open one PE class every day; Ensure that mobile phones are not allowed to be brought into the campus or classroom.

The work plan proposes to strive to continuously reduce the myopia rate of children and adolescents every year by 2025, and effectively improve the visual health level of children and adolescents.

It is reported that since 2018, the Ministry of Education and other eight departments jointly issued the implementation plan for comprehensive prevention and control of myopia among children and adolescents, phased progress and results have been achieved. The survey on myopia among children and adolescents nationwide carried out by the Ministry of Education and the National Health Commission shows that the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents nationwide was 53.6% in 2018, and the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents nationwide was 50.2% in 2019, 3.4 percentage points lower than that in 2018, and the myopia rate of 29 provinces in 2019 was lower than that in 2018 to varying degrees. Affected by the epidemic, the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents nationwide in 2020 increased slightly compared with 2019, but still decreased compared with 2018, basically achieving the expected prevention and control goals.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 11

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