Zhang Silai's Classroom, Issue 53: Why do children repeatedly hit their heads rhythmically?

Zhang Silai's Classroom, Issue 53: Why do children repeatedly hit their heads rhythmically?
09:20, May 18, 2021 Sina parenting

   Why do children repeatedly hit their heads rhythmically?

Rhythmic head butting is a common repetitive behavior for children aged 6-12 months. It is mainly manifested as aimless and rhythmic headbutting. 5~19% of infants and young children may have this behavior, which is significantly reduced after the age of 1.5, and most of them stop this behavior before the age of 4. Generally, boys are more common than girls. At present, the cause is not clear. Some people say that it may be related to children's teething or otitis media. The child's head bump usually occurs before sleep, after waking up, and when he is excited. It is mainly manifested by rhythmically hitting the head on a hard object. When the child hits the head, there is no discomfort. Generally speaking, there is no damage to the brain tissue, nor does it affect the child's growth and development. However, such actions may cause accidents, which should be noticed by parents.

Therefore, it is required that:

◆ Wrap the place where children often hit their heads with soft materials to prevent skull damage caused by impact.

◆ When a child bumps his head, parents should neither show excessive concern nor scold the child, otherwise the behavior of the child will be strengthened and the head bump will exacerbate the attack.

◆ Give more care to children at ordinary times, often do things with children that interest them, divert their attention and reduce seizures.

   Statement: This article is selected from "Zhang Silai's Classroom", which is exclusive and original. Reproduction without authorization is prohibited

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