Zhang Silai's Classroom, Issue 62: What may happen to children after kindergarten -- Love is sick

Zhang Silai's Classroom, Issue 62: What may happen to children after kindergarten -- Love is sick
06:30, October 26, 2021 Sina parenting

   What may happen after children go to kindergarten -- Love is sick

Children enter kindergarten from their families, leave their loved ones and familiar environment since birth to a new and unfamiliar environment, meet strange teachers and partners, and at the same time, they are also subject to some institutional constraints, and change from an environment that is self-centered and protected by all means to an environment where collective life is no longer the center of attention. This is a huge contrast, It is easy to make children suffer from psychological imbalance, thus resulting in separation anxiety and fear. Children will cry and even have some abnormal behaviors. The child's resistance declines and often gets sick.

Before the children were sent to the kindergarten, the family took good care of the children, and the family environment was simple, so the children had less chance to get sick. When children are sent to kindergartens, the environment of kindergartens is complex, and there are many pathogens of various diseases. Teachers may neglect to take care of so many children. Even if there is no negligence, such large children will be vulnerable to disease because their immune mechanism is not perfect and their resistance is poor. Some children can't see their relatives because they are in an unfamiliar environment, and their young minds often feel anxious, which also reduces their resistance. Moreover, children with colds can easily suffer from tonsillitis, tracheitis or otitis media if they are not treated promptly or thoroughly. In fact, every time a child gets sick, he produces antibodies against this disease, and his immune function gradually improves in the struggle between the body and the disease. Although children are less ill at home, they lack this kind of exercise.

Generally speaking, after the age of 3, as the immune system gradually matures and the ability to resist diseases gradually strengthens, the probability of illness will gradually decrease. Parents should not worry too much, just continue to send their children to kindergartens after the disease is cured. At the same time, parents can suggest to teachers that they should pay attention to cross infection between children, monitor diseases in time, isolate as early as possible, achieve indoor air circulation, and minimize the chance of disease infection.

   Statement: This article is selected from "Zhang Silai's Classroom", which is exclusive and original. Reproduction without authorization is prohibited

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