Zhang Silai Classroom Issue 56: How to Care for Baby's Eczema?

Zhang Silai Classroom Issue 56: How to Care for Baby's Eczema?
06:30, July 7, 2021 Sina parenting

   How to recognize and deal with infant eczema?

Infant eczema is a kind of specific dermatitis, which is the infancy of specific dermatitis. Its pathogenesis is not very clear, which is mainly related to the incomplete development and sensitivity of infant skin barrier, as well as the immature development of immune mechanism. Eczema can occur all year round. A baby with dry skin is more likely to suffer from eczema. Eczema is mainly found in the face and scalp, and rarely in the body or even limbs. The eczema part will have itching, local dryness, peeling or fluid exudation of papules, papules and blisters. Eczema is often characterized by symmetry, exudation, pruritus, pleomorphism and recurrence. Eczema is a recurrent skin disease that mainly occurs in infants from 1 month to 2 years old. It gradually disappeared after 2 years old. Moisturizing is very important for eczema treatment. After each bath, the whole body should be smeared with moisturizing oil, even several times a day. Those with severe itching can take cetirizine drops, loratadine syrup, etc. It is necessary to insist on medication, during which the eczema cream containing different hormones can be used alternately. Generally, hydrocortisone ointment, desonide ointment and hydrocortisone butyrate ointment can be selected for children with eczema. It is also possible to quickly control the disease with medium and powerful glucocorticoids first, and then maintain it with low-intensity glucocorticoids. As long as it is used properly, even long-term use is safe. Most glucocorticoid ointments are safe when used locally for less than 2 weeks. However, parents need to be prepared. Eczema happens repeatedly and is not easy to root out. At ordinary times, babies should wear pure cotton, loose and soft clothes instead of silk and wool clothes. Don't cover the child. The temperature should not be too high when bathing. Choose a mild and neutral shower gel. Generally, people should not avoid eating excessively. Most infant eczema has nothing to do with diet. Professor Yang Xichuan wrote an article on his microblog that "the skin prick test and blood allergen specific IgE test of infant eczema patients will show a variety of positive reactions. These results are for reference only, and need to be judged comprehensively with the medical history of whether the actual condition is really aggravated after actual consumption, and should be subject to the actual situation. In particular, if a child eats a certain food without any allergic reaction, food allergy should not be diagnosed because of positive serum IgE. Special reminder: At present, it is considered that checking the food IgG antibody in the blood is meaningless for infant eczema (atopic dermatitis) Unless it is a very specific food allergy, you should not deliberately limit your diet. "

   Statement: This article is selected from "Zhang Silai's Classroom", which is exclusive and original. Reproduction without authorization is prohibited

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