Rotavirus is the primary cause of severe dehydration diarrhea in infants

Rotavirus is the primary cause of severe dehydration diarrhea in infants
15:09, April 22, 2024 Beijing News

Beijing News (Reporter Zhang Xiulan) On the eve of the National Children's Vaccination Day on April 25, Director You Chuan of the Health Education Department of Beijing Maternity Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University reminded at the launch ceremony of the Rotavirus Science Popularization Week in 2024 that novice parents need to develop good health habits for their babies, and vaccinate them with rotavirus vaccine in time to better protect them.

Rotavirus is the leading cause of severe dehydration diarrhea in children under 5 years of age worldwide. The clinical manifestations of children infected with rotavirus vary in severity. The main symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and in severe cases, death and other extreme consequences may occur. From a long-term perspective, gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus may affect the growth and brain development of children. Professor Qian Yuan from the Virology Research Office of the Capital Institute of Pediatrics said that almost every child before the age of 3-5 has been infected with rotavirus. The younger the baby is, the more serious the illness may be after being infected with rotavirus.

Rotavirus has many ways of transmission and is highly infectious. Once the baby is infected, there is no specific medicine to treat it in time. You Chuan, director of the Health Education Department of Beijing Maternity Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, reminded that novice parents need to develop good health habits for their babies, and timely vaccinate their babies with rotavirus vaccine to better protect them. Mothers in the third trimester of pregnancy should learn infant vaccination knowledge as soon as possible, which will help to methodically cope with the first hurdle of childcare.

The Expert Consensus on Immune Prevention of Children's Rotavirus Gastroenteritis 2024 pointed out that existing studies have shown that inoculation of rotavirus vaccine is an effective measure to prevent rotavirus gastroenteritis. Up to now, there are three kinds of rotavirus vaccines listed in China, including imported pentavalent rotavirus vaccine, domestic trivalent rotavirus vaccine and domestic monovalent rotavirus vaccine. The World Health Organization recommends that infants should be vaccinated with rotavirus vaccine as early as possible from the age of 6 weeks.

In order to sort out and transmit medical information in a more standardized way, the "10 Core Messages of Health Education for the Prevention and Treatment of Infantile Infectious Diarrhea" compiled by the authoritative expert team organized by the China Association for Health Promotion and Education has been officially launched on the knowledge service platform of human health assistants. During this Science Popularization Week, training will also be carried out accordingly, so that the majority of maternal and child doctors and nurses can master more professional and standardized protection knowledge against gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus infection.

Original title: rotavirus is the primary cause of severe dehydration diarrhea in infants. Experts suggest timely vaccination

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