"Advanced Seminar for Outpatient Doctors of Children's Height Management" opened

"Advanced Seminar for Outpatient Doctors of Children's Height Management" opened
15:51, May 21, 2024 Beijing News

Children's height management is a long-term and complex process, which requires the joint efforts of medical institutions, professionals and parents. Through scientific management and appropriate medical intervention, children's final height can be effectively improved. In order to guide and standardize the development of "Children's Height Management Service Clinic" in a more scientific and effective direction, and more effectively improve the service ability of outpatient doctors, the Professional Committee of Early Childhood Development of China Association for Eugenics and Eugenics (hereinafter referred to as the "Pediatric Committee") recently held the "Advanced Seminar for Children's Height Management Outpatient Doctors" in Beijing East District Children's Hospital, inviting the vice chairman of the Pediatric Committee Dr. Jiang Jingxiong, a child height management expert, and the height management outpatient team of East District Children's Hospital conducted a four-day series of practical training on professional skills, service models, customer services, etc. of children's height outpatient services.

Luo Liman, medical director of Beijing East District Children's Hospital, introduced that the latest data of the height standard for children aged 7 to 18 in China is the Height Development Grade Evaluation for Children and Adolescents Aged 7-18 issued in 2018. The average adult height of boys is 171.5 cm, and the average adult height of girls is 160 cm. Compared with the standard in 2006, these two figures are 1.2 cm lower for men and 0.6 cm lower for women. "This data reflects that children's general 'early growth' has affected adult height, and this value is also far from the expected height of parents," Luo Liman said.

The Children's Professional Committee has played the social credibility of the national industry organization platform and the influence of industry leadership to carry out the research and development of a variety of vocational skill certificates and the training of vocational skill talents, especially the rapid development of the vocational skill certificate training and enrollment of the "Children's Height Management Instructor", which has met the needs of the refinement of paediatric clinics and more in line with the transformation needs of market demand. The purpose of this "Advanced Seminar for Outpatient Doctors on Height Management for Children" held in Beijing East District Children's Hospital is to improve the professional knowledge and service ability of doctors and relevant personnel in medical institutions in height management for children. In the future, height managers will be certified through professional training and can assist parents in scientific height management.

Jiang Jingxiong, chief expert of height management clinic of Beijing East District Children's Hospital, said that after the epidemic, parents' awareness of height management for children has improved, and the market demand has increased significantly. However, there is still a significant gap between market service supply and parents' demand. At present, the number of institutions that can provide professional services for height management is very limited, and medical institutions are facing dual challenges in concept and mechanism in height management. Due to the lack of policy support and matching service models, medical institutions, especially public medical institutions, focus more on height issues from the perspective of disease diagnosis and treatment. Besides diseases, they are not very enthusiastic about providing height management services to meet parents' expectations for height. "Height management is not only to exclude the possibility of diseases, but also to do a good job in health management through low-cost and health care methods, so as to finally achieve the goal of achieving the ideal adult height," said Jiang Jingxiong.

How to help children grow taller? Jiang Jingxiong believed that the improvement of height in groups could not be separated from the support of social environment. Some developed countries that have succeeded in improving the average height of their citizens can learn from their practices in height management of children. They provide good environmental support for children's height growth by ensuring reasonable diet, nutrient supplementation, adequate sleep, reasonable exercise, good mood and timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

"The improvement of the domestic environment should start with publicity and education, improve parents' awareness of height management, control children's weight growth, delay bone age, and achieve normal height growth at low cost." Jiang Jingxiong pointed out that when facing school pressure, sports, sleep and other conditions are relatively difficult to ensure, parents can supplement appropriate nutrients, control weight, As well as regular monitoring of height, weight and bone age, height management is carried out. In terms of medical institutions, first of all, we should change our concepts and no longer limit ourselves to treating height with the attitude of disease diagnosis and treatment. "We hope that through the efforts of professional teams and the cooperation and support of parents, we can open up a low-cost and efficient development path with local characteristics for the height management of Chinese children," said Jiang Jingxiong.

Beijing News reporter Wang Kala

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