Create a Reading Atmosphere This winter holiday makes children fall in love with reading

Create a Reading Atmosphere This winter holiday makes children fall in love with reading
17:02, January 30, 2024 Beijing News

Determine the important things to do during the winter vacation, purchase the record board for clocking in, and formulate the children's wishes for scrapping...... Since January 20, the three children of Ms. Zeng's family have started their winter vacation life. At the beginning of the holiday, Ms. Zeng had planned the children's winter vacation and left an important task on the task list: reading for half an hour every day.

Ms. Zeng and the children have insisted on reading for many years. The smart speaker at home will remind them at 8:00 every night that "reading time has begun", which is a good time for the whole family to start reading.

However, children's reading is not always smooth. Ms. Li, who has primary school students at home, is confused about the selection of books, "I don't know how to choose the right book for him on earth"; As a primary school Chinese teacher, Ms. Du wondered how to cultivate children's reading habits and what good reading methods there were; Ms. Xu is worried about how to make her daughter, who is already in the second year of junior high school, put down her mobile phone and pick up her extracurricular books.

How to make more children and adolescents grow up happily in reading? The reporter of the Beijing News interviewed Zhou Qun, a Beijing language teacher with more than 30 years of teaching experience. The child writer was charmed and tried to give an answer.

   The younger the child, the easier it is to form a reading habit

If there is no accident, in Ms. Zeng's home, the happiest time of the day is about 8 p.m. At this time, she usually selects several books with her three children to enjoy the time of parent-child reading.

"Sometimes I am busy, but in most cases I will accompany my children to read." Ms. Zeng is the head of a picture book organization in the city. The eldest child of her family is in the third grade and two children are just in the first grade. The children's love of reading has something to do with Ms. Zeng's emphasis on reading, "It will help to build a good parent-child relationship, so that parents and children have more links. We must cherish the time we spent studying with children."

Many parents have reached a consensus on the importance of reading. A few days ago, the Research Report on the Reading Status and Needs of Children and Adolescents in China (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") released by a university research institution shows that early childhood reading is increasingly valued and popularized. Nearly 70% of children start reading before the age of 6, and nearly 30% of children start reading before the age of 3.

"The younger the child is, the easier it is to form a reading habit." Zhou Qun believes that as the child grows older, his energy will be occupied by various things, leaving less and less time for reading. Parents should participate in the cultivation of children's reading habits. "There should be a reading environment at home, such as at least a reading corner; parents should also have the habit of reading, instead of always asking their children to read, swipe their mobile phones and watch TV," she suggested.

Zhou Qun recalled that when taking students abroad for exchange, he found that all the boarders enjoyed reading books. "They can't watch TV from Monday to Friday. The whole family is surrounded by the fireplace and immersed in the atmosphere of reading. How many families can achieve such a shared reading scene?"

From a more utilitarian perspective, children's reading is also related to their language proficiency. In the work, Zhou Qun found that children have a narrow reading range. She once asked whether any of her classmates had read Sherlock Holmes in a lecture on writing, but found that no one raised their hands at the scene.

   It's better to live and be miscellaneous when reading

84.7% of children have difficulties in reading as a whole. The report listed three major problems that children and adolescents encounter in reading, which are "not knowing how to choose books", "not knowing how to read" and "lacking of books to read".

In recent years, educational authorities, publishing houses, colleges and universities and professional institutions have all launched reference lists. Looking at these titles, Ms. Li, the parent, asked: It is unrealistic to buy them. How should we choose books suitable for our children?

Zhou Qun said that no book list can be perfect for everyone. He suggested that children read from the works of their favorite writers during the holiday, and also "arrange" books in a certain field of interest, or even read some novels, comics, entertainment and other recreational books.

At the same time, you can also determine the reading list according to the theme activities. "For example, research is very popular now, and you can find some books that match the traditional culture of the destination." Zhou Qun takes Beijing as an example. Many writers have written about life in Beijing, and reading these books is equivalent to having a private guide; You can also read books related to Beijing hutongs and food culture, and find relevant books in combination with temple fairs and other Spring Festival folk activities, so as to "lock the direction you are interested in and immerse yourself in reading".

Zhou Qun also suggested that children might as well be "miscellaneous" when reading. Cross field reading can help children open their eyes and build a reasonable knowledge structure.

With a large number of inputs, we should also pay attention to the output. Zhou Qun suggested that after reading, you can express your reading comprehension through diaries, compositions and small videos, "reading books' live '".

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Q: What if students are not interested in the books recommended by the school?

Zhou Qun: The reading list recommended by the school still needs to be completed, which is often related to the next semester's Chinese learning. If we make good use of the winter vacation to read carefully, we will have less pressure on our daily study next semester, especially for some children who are already very tense. If students are not interested, it depends on whether they are simply not interested in recommended books or have not been interested in reading for a long time.

I will pay special attention to the teacher's attitude and method recommendation. For example, the first volume of the seventh grade Chinese textbook in the unified textbook recommended "Morning Flowers and Evening Gathering". As a front-line teacher, we will pay attention not to give children a subjective impression - Lu Xun's books are difficult to understand. Once he has a preconceived idea, he must feel boring.

The reason why students are not interested should be detailed. It may be that they are not familiar with the way of expression in half language. They may feel that the content is far away from the present. The teacher should guide them well, such as what content can not be studied carefully, what content is related to history and culture, and reduce students' fear of difficulties.

It can't stop with recommendation. Before assigning reading assignments, we should do a simple reading guide and make some requirements for the reading results, such as talking about the favorite characters in the book and what plot is most interesting. It is easier for students to complete the task of reading by making it concrete. After the school starts, the teachers will guide the reading again. At this time, they should conduct in-depth guidance.

I invited Meng Yue, a Chinese teacher from Beijing Jingshan School, to talk about "Red Star Shines on China" when I was on duty. He started with why Snow came to China, how he came to China, and how to deal with the leaders. The book became very three-dimensional. Then he shared with the students what characters and events are particularly important and how to read them.

When the teacher is higher than the students, most of the children are willing to follow the teacher. The teacher can understand it with a little dialing, and he will find this book interesting. If he really understands it, it is very powerful. Gradually, the state of students' reading will change.

Q: How to make personalized choices for children in the face of a wide range of books?

Zhou Qun: It is not necessary to pick a completely ready-made book list, because when you hand over all the dominance, it is easy to "pick and choose". Personally, I suggest that you "customize" your children.

First of all, we should consider whether the age group is suitable, and promote graded reading. It is suggested that parents not only read the name of the book, but also go to the network platform to search for the guide reading of the book, see the relevant introduction, and conduct preliminary screening. I sometimes pick out books for students and find professionals to inquire about. It's better to take the children to the bookstore to select, so that the children can feel the words in the book. Sometimes parents think the words are elegant and may be too obscure for their children.

When selecting books, you can combine some situations and tasks to select books. For example, if you go to the China Science and Technology Museum to see an exhibition, you can do some extended reading based on the theme.

The younger the child is, the more we need to help him open his eyes. We must read in all fields and disciplines to help him build a reasonable knowledge structure. During guidance, parents can also adopt some strategies, such as making encyclopedias interesting and technology interesting for them to enter this field unconsciously. At the same time, the proportion of recreational books should also be controlled.

Can Ran: In the final analysis, we don't have to ask the child to read any book, but we hope that he will become a reader. When choosing a bibliography, it should be combined with the children's interests to keep the children looking forward to reading.

Secondly, we should choose interdisciplinary books, especially books that can link with children's real life. Many children will have questions when reading. What does this book have to do with me? As children grow older, they may be interested in many problems in life, and parents can guide them to find solutions from books.

Q: Many children are easily addicted to mobile phones during holidays. What should parents do to attract children to read?

Zhou Qun: It's not just a holiday. It's important to have a reading environment at home. It is advocated to set up a reading corner for children at home, so that the whole family can form the habit of reading together.

Children should not be forced to read. They should have certain strategies. For example, buy a book and put it on the child's desk as a gift. When chatting, discuss a book with interest. Professions are specialized. If parents can't guide their children to read, it doesn't matter. Can they play a role of loving reading?

There are ways to read. If parents master certain reading methods, they can better guide their children to read. How parents guide their children to read is also a matter of learning. Parents can also exchange what they need and ask parents of children who love reading in the class for advice.

Children may encounter obstacles in reading, and some knowledge points will affect later reading if they do not understand. One way I have taught students is to read "thick" books, use "cold knowledge cards", explain knowledge points and paste them on books. In this way, the more you read the book, the more knowledge you have.

There is also the "Feynman learning method", which is simply to say that after learning new knowledge, you can understand it if you can explain it to others in an orderly manner. At home, you can also do a small activity of reading and communication. Please introduce your children's recent reading achievements.

Parents must support their children's reading, not oppose their children's extensive reading and reading "leisure books". As children grow older, parents provide more emotional value to their children. They should play the role of "more support", "more guidance", "more listening" and "more communication". If they have the experience of reading together with children, the content of communication between both sides may be very different.

Can ran: Behind this problem may be a lot of hidden needs of parents, such as not wanting to let children play games, hoping that children read more books. These are two things.

Perhaps the most important concern of parents is how children have long-term and stable reading behavior. First, when cultivating children's reading habits at the beginning, parents must accompany them. After all, when children's literacy is not enough, there may be obstacles in reading. Parents' accompanying can reduce the difficulty of reading. At the same time, parents should set an example in reading, and families can also set up reading clubs to read together.

Second, the most important thing is to let children feel that reading is fun. We should give them positive feedback in time, and guide children to turn short-term reading into long-term behavior in positive feedback. Reading cannot rely on short-term sprints.

The ability to read independently and the habit of reading do not mean that children are reading all the time. Instead, let reading become an option for him to relax and make him feel happy in reading.

Q: With the development of various technologies, reading has taken different forms, such as e-books and audio books. In your opinion, how should children choose the form of reading?

Zhou Qun: In my opinion, every form has its advantages. Books are only presented on different media. Personally, I think there are a lot of paper books and e-books. One of the great advantages of e-books is that they are easy to mark and take reading notes. Audio books are more about listening to some expert lectures to help you build a knowledge framework and connect the knowledge in the previous books.

There is no essential difference between e-books, audio books and paper books. Compared with which form to choose, we should be more concerned about whether to read, what to read and how to read.

In terms of convenience, e-books may be better if you want to read anytime, anywhere.

Can ran: I still hope children read more paper books. Reading is a complex process. Children will mobilize multiple senses such as vision and touch in the process of reading paper books. Paper book reading must be the deepest and most effective way to communicate with authors and works.

However, we must admit that there are many e-books, audio books and even short video storytelling, and the reading environment has become more complex. At the same time, it also provides some new opportunities for us to guide children to read in different ways, such as listening and watching. For children with reading habits, the diversity of reading forms is also a kind of promotion.

Reading is a very individual thing. Each child has different interests, and the way to arouse interest in reading may also be different. For example, if you like watching the movie "Feng Shen" and are interested in contemporary stories, you can go to see some related books.

Therefore, use video or audio books to build a small bridge or step to guide children to read paper books.

Q: There are various training courses related to reading in the market, such as improving reading ability and teaching reading formulas. In your opinion, is it necessary to attend such training courses? Why?

Can ran: I think that reading is not restricted to form, and there is only one standard to measure whether to sign up for a reading training class, that is, whether the training class is simply teaching children reading methods, or really guiding children how to get fun from reading. If children find the pleasure and drive of reading in the experience of reading training class, they can report. If children only learn the so-called reading formula in this process, it is meaningless.

Because the cultivation of children's reading ability is a long-term process, family company is very important. Some parents will say that they do not like reading, do not read books, and cannot read classics with their children. Do they have any books they want to read? Home or fashion magazines are also good. As long as parents have the action of turning over books, they will give children guidance in reading. (Yang Feifei, reporter of Beijing News)

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