What are the new changes in the final exam of junior high school

What are the new changes in the final exam of junior high school
16:59, January 24, 2024 Beijing Daily client

"After finishing the Chinese test paper, I had no idea" "I almost didn't finish writing the morality and rule of law of the open book exam" "I was soft on the physics test experiment"... Last week, junior high school students in the city finished the first final exam after the release of the new high school entrance examination policy, and they were filled with feelings about the new changes in the exam form and content. In the context of comprehensively deepening the educational reform, what kind of signals does this exam release? From now on, how should students learn to better meet the new high school entrance exam?

Change 1

Chinese test paper is testing reading comprehension from beginning to end

Wan Wei, Grade Two Leader of Beijing No. 5 Middle School Branch

As soon as the final exam was over, I heard the students exclaim: Chinese is too difficult. After the exam, I didn't know how to learn Chinese! As a Chinese teaching worker and a parent, how can I help children learn Chinese well in the face of teaching, the new curriculum standards and the new policy of the high school entrance examination that has just been announced? Here, I'd like to share my thoughts with you.

The outstanding feature of the final examination paper of the second grade Chinese in Dongcheng District is to strengthen the examination of reading comprehension. For example, in addition to the traditional prose, classical Chinese and discontinuous text reading, the examination of "classic reading" in the examination paper is in the form of "small composition". The test question of this exam is to ask students to choose one book from Insect Record and Red Star Shines on China as a recommendation officer to write recommendation reasons around a specific topic. Although only about 100 words are required, it is not good for students to write recommendation words if they have never read a famous book, have no in-depth understanding of it, or do not understand the topic words and sentences proposed by the author.

The examination of the application of basic knowledge is integrated into specific situations such as hot current events. For example, at the beginning of the test paper, there are several paragraphs of materials about the Hangzhou Asian Games. In this situation, students need to read the article first, and then use the knowledge they have learned to complete tasks such as picking out wrong words, changing bad sentences, using idioms, and selecting contextual semantics. As for the silent writing of ancient poems and essays, such as Yellow Crane Tower, and Zhu Yuansi's Book, and Emissary to the Frontier, it is not simple to fill in the blank, but put them in the context of the paragraph, so that students can understand them. To put it bluntly, the current Chinese examination papers are all about reading comprehension from beginning to end. If you can't understand the basic knowledge of the context, you will lose your points. If you can't understand the requirements of the composition, it is easy to write off the topic.

In addition, this Chinese final exam has another feature, that is, it pays more attention to the relationship between Chinese learning and real life, and pays more attention to the emotional experience of students' personal life and unique experience. For example, the "one out of two" composition in this exam requires students to write a travel experience, or write a warm and touching experience. The new curriculum standard clearly states: "Writing should have true feelings, express their feelings, experiences and thoughts about nature, society and life, and strive to be creative." The future Chinese composition for the senior high school entrance examination will also guide students to write more about their lives and feelings. In fact, the proposition of the test composition is more and more related to the intention of "I", and the word "I" in the question is more common. This requires students to get closer to life, experience life more and understand life more.

It is not difficult to see that the evaluation of Chinese learning in the context of the new round of reform is determined by learning and returns to textbooks. The principle of test proposition is to evaluate students' Chinese literacy level through the process and results of solving problems in the real situation based on the situation. Such a standard requires that language learning should pay attention to the use of language and words in real situations, the expression of thinking in reading and writing, and the use of language to solve practical problems in reality. Rigid rote learning is certainly not worth the loss.

Of course, the emphasis on reading comprehension and writing does not mean that basic knowledge needs to be learned. The two complement each other. Only when students systematically master the basic knowledge of Chinese, such as characters, words, sentences, rhetoric, punctuation, couplets, etc., can they better understand and flexibly use them in combination with the context.

To sum up, if students want to learn Chinese well, they must read more books, pay more attention to and experience real life as much as possible, especially the people and things around them. Chinese learning is a process of accumulation, including the accumulation of words, sentences, articles, and emotions. In the process of accumulation, the ability of reading comprehension will gradually improve.

Change 2

More open questions on morality and rule of law

Zhang Dandan, teacher of Beijing Dongzhimen Middle School

After the announcement of the new policy for the senior high school entrance examination, the subject of morality and rule of law ushered in the first open book examination. The changes from the examination form to the examination content made students, teachers and parents refreshing. In general, the proportion of non multiple-choice questions in the morality and rule of law test papers has shown an increasing trend, which reflects the emphasis on the breadth and depth of students' thinking, and also pays more attention to the examination of students' comprehensive ability, core literacy, and multi angle thinking ability.

The design of the moral and rule of law test questions presents three characteristics: first, students are required to answer questions according to the situation, and logical thinking and expression become the focus of the examination. For example, question 20 of the seventh grade examination paper in Dongcheng District has set three story scenarios with the Asian Games as the background. The second question is to ask students to talk about their understanding of scars and calluses as "the most beautiful medals". Students can not only "write" but also "have to write" as long as they use the knowledge they have learned and combine their understanding of materials to analyze, according to the logic of "what, why and how to do" In question 16 of the eighth grade examination paper in Chaoyang District, two video scenarios were given, requiring students to analyze and evaluate the behaviors in the video in the way of "narration", and students also need to answer questions on the basis of reading and analyzing materials. Second, the types of open questions increased. For example, in question 19 of the seventh grade examination paper in Haidian District, students are required to combine the first and last two cartoons to develop their imagination and supplement the missing content in the cartoons (both words and pictures are acceptable); The second question of question 16 of the eighth grade examination paper in Dongcheng District asked students to design two micro public welfare activities. Third, the test questions are more closely related to student life. The test materials are basically real situations with social current events and student life as the background, to test students' comprehensive practical ability and ability to solve practical problems. For example, question 15 of the eighth grade examination paper in Chaoyang District asked students to discuss the "bus lane problem", which shows that the open book examination attaches great importance to the application, inquiry and openness of the questions. The setting of "true questions, true feelings" focuses on the discipline practice "learning by doing", and guides students out of the mistake of blindly brushing questions and rote memorization.

Through the analysis of the examination questions, we can feel that the open book examination is not an open book examination that looks up the answers from the books, but gives new situations, new materials and real questions. The questions are more open, the answers are more diverse, more attention is paid to thinking and practice, more attention is paid to life, and students' multi angle thinking, comprehensive ability and core literacy are examined. As a continuation of the "double reduction" policy, this examination method has indeed reduced the burden on students to take exams, reduced the time for rote learning, and changed the mechanized learning method.

How to learn the subject of morality and rule of law better? Here, I would like to give some suggestions to students and their parents: First, students should pay more attention to the understanding and application of disciplinary perspectives in their daily classroom learning, and pay attention to whether they can apply the problem-solving methods in the classroom situation to real life. For example, after learning how to solve parent-child conflict, if there is conflict with parents in real life, can students turn what they have learned into action and strive to build a harmonious parent-child relationship. Secondly, students should pay attention to the daily life around them, current events, social life and hot events, listen, see and think more, keep curiosity and curiosity, and actively use the knowledge they have learned to explore problems in real life and think about problems from multiple perspectives. Finally, parents can consciously guide students to think about practical problems from multiple perspectives, guide students to make correct value judgments on things, encourage them to explore and innovate, and also accompany students to carry out social practice and integrate knowledge with practice.

In a word, in response to the open book exam, students should pay more attention to life and current events, analyze cases and view problems from multiple perspectives on the premise of being familiar with and understanding basic knowledge, and finally develop a multi angle thinking mode under the knowledge framework of ethics and rule of law, so as to apply what they have learned.

Change 3

Physical experiment questions are closely related to life

Wang Stronyu, Teacher of the Experimental Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University

According to the new policy of the senior high school entrance examination, physics is still an examination subject, with a total score of 80 points, including 70 points for the written examination and 10 points for experimental operation. In this final exam, the students obviously felt the increase of the experiment content. Take the second grade physics test paper in Xicheng District as an example, the experimental answer questions account for two-thirds of the non choice questions with a total score of 60 points.

From the test paper proposition, this physics exam has the following three characteristics:

First, pay attention to the ability of experiment design and the spirit of scientific inquiry. Experimental teaching is an important part of physics teaching, including inquiry experiments and measurement experiments. Exploratory experiments examine many links such as experimental conjecture, experimental design, experimental steps, and experimental forms, which have high requirements for students' scientific inquiry level. Measurement experiments examine the principles and evaluation of experiments, and guide students to use scientific language to explain. For example, there is a scene of playing the guitar with changing tone in the topic, which requires students to ask a scientific question that can be explored, aiming to examine students' ability to find problems and their understanding of the logical knowledge existing in the problem. For another example, to explore the experimental questions of convex lens imaging rules and study the relationship between "image height" and "object distance" is to test students' ability to supplement experimental steps and tables based on research topics. The question of measuring the average speed of the car requires students to understand the principle of the experiment, have the ability to analyze and evaluate the experiment design, and use standardized scientific language to explain.

Second, emphasize the ability to solve problems and examine students' scientific thinking. The setting of questions has changed from "solving problems" to "solving practical problems". Students are faced with physical modeling problems related to the actual situation. For example, when testing the characteristics of convex lens and concave lens, the question does not directly set a question point, but gives a "shadow" of the two images in real life, which requires students to be able to connect the scenes in life with the knowledge they have learned in order to answer correctly. Another example is to examine the knowledge of the imaging characteristics of the plane mirror and ask questions in the context of the teleprompter, which not only requires students to extract key information from complex topics, but also requires students to simplify the physical problems hidden in life and finally refine the physical model.

Third, pay attention to the examination of students' reading ability and logical expression ability. This test paper is rich in materials and has a large amount of reading, involving traditional culture, scientific and technological innovation, engineering technology, etc. The interdisciplinary understanding of materials requires students to have comprehensive literacy. For example, in the test questions, it appeared to explore the sound characteristics through oral skills, and test the relativity of motion through the principle of super high speed wind tunnel. For another example, popular science reading takes fruit and vegetable processing as the context, sets different difficult questions, and guides students to explore the physical knowledge existing in the context.

It can be seen that the physics examination under the new high school entrance examination policy is changing. The deepening reform of quality education means that we should further abandon the stereotyped learning model of rote learning and mechanically brushing questions. In the future, the study of physics should focus on understanding knowledge rather than reciting knowledge, and solving problems rather than solving problems mechanically. Specifically, students should learn as follows: avoid fragmented learning and pay attention to the connection between knowledge points; Actively participate in experimental inquiry in class, improve the ability of experimental design and analysis, and abandon reciting experimental conclusions; Learn to use physical knowledge in real life, improve the ability to solve problems, and cultivate scientific thinking.

Reflection after examination

A Good Examination of Chinese Needs "Living Understanding"

Junior two student Hu Mengkun

The questions in this final Chinese exam are more difficult and flexible than before. The material reading part is mainly about the combination of current events and traditional Chinese culture. Let's interpret words independently after reading the material. The questions in the appreciation of ancient poetry and prose are also novel and flexible, integrating the knowledge of rhymes, couplets and understanding of ancient poetry and prose, and jointly examining the knowledge of learning ancient poetry and prose. At the same time, the relationship between the title and life has become closer. The reading part of the classic is no longer a simple understanding and summary of the content of the article, but also requires a correct interpretation of the philosophy contained in the classic in connection with the problems in real life. I think that in the future, learning Chinese should not focus on "dead knowledge" such as word dictation and literary knowledge, but should increase "live understanding" of the content of the language subject, so as to achieve good results.

Open book examination is not simple

Junior one student Zhang Jinghan

In the final exam, the subject of morality and rule of law was open book, which I thought would be easier than closed book. In addition, the mid-term exam was good, so I relaxed the review of this course. However, I was almost dumbfounded at the moment when the paper was handed out. The exam is still one hour long, but the number of questions is not small, and the materials are novel, which requires careful study. Because it took too much time to open the book, I barely finished answering when the bell rang. It turns out that the open book examination is not a simplification of the examination questions, but more emphasis on the examination of our comprehensive ability, including time management ability, knowledge understanding and application ability, material comprehensive analysis ability, etc. In the future, I will not dare to "underestimate the enemy" in the moral and rule of law examination.

Experimental subjects focus on integrating theory with practice

Junior two student Zhou Xuansheng

This biological and physical examination questions are very new, which is different from the previous questions and questions. For example, the biology question has problems such as cultivating pleurotus, unique species, artificial muscles, and making pickles. It combines a large number of experiments and integrates cross chapter knowledge, and also focuses on the life and production scenes. Many physics problems also come from life. For example, one requires us to explain the physical process of dehydration of fruits and vegetables in combination with factors that affect the speed of evaporation. It seems that in order to get a high score in the test of experimental subjects in the future, it is necessary not only to master the knowledge of the subject, but also to combine it with the reality of life. It is no good to memorize it by rote as in the past.

Analysis and suggestions

Let valuable learning happen

Zhang Shuang, Dean of School of Education, Capital Normal University

The first final exam after the reform of the new round of senior high school entrance examination has clearly released a signal, that is, let the exam return to the exam and let learning return to learning. As a means of measurement and evaluation, the core purpose of examination is to point to the comprehensive development of students, and the means should serve the purpose rather than putting the cart before the horse, because the quality measured by examination will become the clear goal of students' learning. Learning that can serve the all-round development of students is good and valuable learning. Making valuable learning happen is the goal that primary and secondary schools should strive to achieve in deepening curriculum reform. It is also a must for parents to pay attention when carrying out family education and guiding the healthy growth of children. This requires handling the following issues.

First, guide students to develop meaning experience, thinking quality and ability literacy based on knowledge. The development of human civilization has been brilliant so far. The basic education curriculum is organized with corresponding logic, which has important value as the main content and carrier to guide young students to understand the world and form judgments. The ability and quality of students are gradually improved and developed through the learning of knowledge and skills and the achievement of understanding. In any era, knowledge is very important. The key is, is learning just a memory of knowledge? Do educators (both teachers and parents) fully stimulate the possibility of improving quality through knowledge in the process of supporting students' learning? Only if the answer is yes, can we say that learning has realized the full development of individual ability, the great enrichment of personality and the growth of wisdom.

Second, stimulate internal drive to enable students to achieve lasting, in-depth and active learning. People are not inherently defined, but are generated with infinite possibilities. The process of learning is interesting to respond, curiosity is satisfied, and the joy of creation and breakthrough is bound to be accompanied by challenges, boredom, hardship and failure. External indicators, pressure, supervision and supervision can enable students to engage in learning within a period of time, But lasting and deep learning must require students' internal drive and subjectivity. Therefore, educators should make every learner "fresh" and "vivid" in the learning process, respect the potential and personality of students, guide students to become the masters of learning, and realize the transformation from "I want to learn" to "I want to learn".

Third, pay attention to the dialogue between students and nature, society, others and self in the learning process. Human nature is social and a relational existence. Learning must take place in a certain situation and respond to the interaction of different dimensions. In the process of building a learning support system in collaboration with the family and society, primary and secondary schools, guided by the education goals that have gained general consensus and the specified curriculum activity goals, can better support the real occurrence of learning by organizing students to personally perceive, experience, participate, practice, and interact, and students can gradually adapt to the society, assume responsibility, learn to communicate, and self reflect. UNESCO also explicitly mentioned this in its 2015 report, "Learning should not be just a personal matter. As a social experience, it needs to learn together with others, as well as through discussions and debates with peers and teachers." Obviously, the important others also include parents, The learning activities carried out by families can supplement children's knowledge ability, but knowledge education cannot be taken as the whole content, which is to some extent "functional superposition" of school education, rather than complementation and coordination. Parents should pay more attention to improving children's social adaptability and improving the relationship support system through rich practical activities and educational conscious daily life.

Under the background of powerful education country, we have entered a new stage of building a high-quality basic education system. Basic education is open to all citizens, focusing on the cultivation of "basic learning ability", which directly affects the national quality and lays the foundation for the country's prosperity and national rejuvenation. Its core appeal lies in the higher quality of talent training, and learning is the only way to achieve this appeal. It is the common responsibility of the whole society to respect laws and let valuable learning happen.

Illustrator: Ju Li Picture: Visual China

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