Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Entrance Work in the 2024 Compulsory Education Stage in Mentougou District

Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Entrance Work in the 2024 Compulsory Education Stage in Mentougou District
17:04, April 30, 2024 Sina parenting comprehensive

According to the general deployment of the Ministry of Education and the Beijing Municipal Education Commission on free entrance to compulsory education nearby, and according to the Opinions of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission on Entrance to Compulsory Education in 2024 (BJJE [2024] No. 4), in order to protect the rights and interests of school-age children and adolescents to receive compulsory education according to law, and in combination with the actual situation of our district, with the approval of the district government, The following detailed rules are formulated for the implementation of compulsory education enrollment in 2024.

1、 Guiding ideology

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, anchor the goal and task of building a strong educational country, strictly implement the special action requirements of the Ministry of Education for sunshine enrollment and the decisions and arrangements of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, constantly improve the level of "four services", vigorously promote education fairness, and in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, Further improve the compulsory education enrollment rules, enforce work discipline, strictly regulate enrollment requirements, strengthen management, ensure that all work related to compulsory education enrollment in the district is carried out in an orderly manner, and strive to ensure that every child can enjoy fair and quality education.

2、 Working principles

  1。 Adhere to the overall planning of the government, and take the enrollment work at the compulsory education stage as the government behavior to guarantee.

  2。 Adhere to the actual situation of the district and organize the implementation of compulsory education enrollment in the district.

  3。 Adhere to the principle of being near without examination, and ensure that school-age children and adolescents receive compulsory education.

  4。 Adhere to a stable, orderly and standardized procedure, take the admission work at the compulsory education stage as an important link to standardize school running, and achieve fairness, justice and openness.

3、 Task

(1) Primary school enrolment

Adhere to the principle of free entrance to nearby schools. All school-age children who have registered in the district or who have registered in the city and whose actual residence is in the district (with the housing ownership certificate or real estate ownership certificate, the same below) and are over 6 years old (born before August 31, 2018) must participate in the information collection of school-age population. Parents of school-age children should log on to the Beijing Compulsory Education Enrollment Service Platform (yjrx. bjedu. cn) to accurately enter relevant information within the specified time, and enroll nearby without examination according to the school service area designated by the District Education Commission. The information of over age children and Beijing homeless school-age children reviewed and recognized by the District Education Committee needs to be collected separately at the District Education Examination Guidance Center.

Each primary school should recruit students in strict accordance with the plan. First, it should accept students from the service area. If the number of students enrolled exceeds the number of degrees that the school can provide, the district education committee should coordinate with other schools to accept students. It is strictly prohibited to enter the school across different areas (except for special reasons such as the removal of shantytowns).

Beijing registered houseless families who are not registered in Mentougou District and have been living in Mentougou District for more than 3 years continuously and independently, and registered on the housing rental supervision platform, at the same time, one spouse has been legally and stably employed in Mentougou District for more than 3 years, and their school-age children who participate in the collection of school-age population information after passing the review can enroll in our district.

(2) Primary school enrollment

Students who have registered in this city and have completed primary education in Mentougou District, and students who have completed primary education in other districts or provinces or cities of this city and have gone through the formalities of going back to Mentougou District to enter junior high school, will continue to receive compulsory education in corresponding junior high schools according to the method of registration nearby, single school division or multi school division.

  1。 Nearby registration: each junior high school receives primary school graduates with local household registration (including students with local household registration) according to their actual residence and residence.

  2。 Single school division: recruit students by means of direct enrollment. Graduates from each primary school within this range will be admitted to designated junior high schools. Each junior high school within this range will accept graduates from primary schools with local household registration (including students treated as per local household registration) from primary schools with local household registration.

  3。 Actively and steadily promote multi school planning: Yongding Branch of Dayu No. 1 Primary School and No. 2 Experimental Primary School in Yongding jointly correspond to Dayu Middle School Branch, Yongding Branch of the High School Affiliated to the Capital Normal University, and Yongding Experimental School of No. 8 Middle School; The West Beijing Affiliated Primary School of No. 8 Middle School in Yongding corresponds to Yongding Experimental School of No. 8 Middle School and West Beijing Campus of No. 8 Middle School; Yuyuan Primary School, Heishan Primary School, Jingshi Experimental Primary School and Dayu No. 2 Primary School in Mencheng jointly correspond to Dayu Middle School, Jingshi Experimental Middle School, Yongding Experimental School of No. 8 Middle School, Mentougou Foreign Language School and Xinqiao Road Middle School. The way of multi school enrollment is adopted. Students fill in the form of volunteers to be assigned to junior high schools.

Since 2025, due to the growth of school-age population, it will gradually promote the use of multi school enrollment in the primary and junior high schools in the southern urban area, and students will fill in a voluntary random assignment to determine their enrollment in junior high schools.

The work of random assignment of multiple schools is organized by the District Education Commission.

  4。 Primary school graduates who change their family address in the district due to special reasons such as shantytown reconstruction and mountain planning adjustment can apply for admission to the school corresponding to their new family address. If it is really difficult for the school to accept, the district education committee shall coordinate other schools to solve the problem.

(3) Primary school graduates return to the district for further education

Primary school graduates can apply for returning to household registration or entering junior high school in the area where their families actually live. Primary school graduates who apply to study in a junior high school outside the district must apply to the primary school within the specified time. After the primary school passes the preliminary examination, it will submit the application online. The city will uniformly review the students' household registration and the actual residence of their families online. After the review is passed, the school registration office of graduates in the district and the district to be transferred will review respectively. After all the reviews are passed, The student will be assigned by the district where the registration department is located, and the district will no longer retain his junior high school enrollment qualification.

(4) Enrollment of school-age children and adolescents not registered in the city

  1。 The school-age children and adolescents treated according to the city's household registration, including the children of Taiwan compatriots recognized by the District Taiwan Affairs Office, the children of overseas Chinese recognized by the District Overseas Chinese Affairs Department, the children of postdoctoral researchers in Beijing station recognized by the state or the Beijing Postdoctoral Administration Department, and the children of active servicemen who meet the conditions to settle in Beijing with the army and are going through the accompanying procedures, The enrollment method of school-age children and adolescents whose parents are registered in this city or who hold the Beijing Work and Residence Permit is the same as that of this city.

The qualification examination and determination of students who meet the above conditions in the primary school enrollment work shall be organized and completed by the Mentougou District Education Committee within the specified time.

  2。 If the school-age children and adolescents who are not registered in this city need to receive compulsory education in this district because their parents or other legal guardians work and live in this district, their parents or other legal guardians shall present their own employment materials, actual residence materials in this district, family household register, Beijing residence permit and other relevant materials to the district joint audit team for review. After passing the examination, the examination applicant must log on to the Beijing Compulsory Education Enrollment Service Platform within the specified time, and determine the primary school enrollment by filling in the volunteer computer assignment.

(5) Studying in special education schools and regular classes

Priority shall be given to eligible disabled children to attend school nearby. Special education schools should do a good job in enrolling new students of disabled children and adolescents with schooling ability on time. Disabled school-age children and adolescents who are able to receive general education can go to the nearest ordinary primary and secondary schools to study in the same class according to their disability level, and complete nine-year compulsory education.

(6) Go to boarding school

The school enrolls boarders through registration assignment. The District Education Committee shall operate uniformly within the specified time, and the number of boarders admitted shall not exceed the number of boarders planned by the school. At the same time, the school's boarding enrollment shall publicize the enrollment scope, enrollment quota, enrollment method and enrollment list.

(7) Enrollment of children of special groups

The enrollment of children of talents introduced at district level or above shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations.

Children of martyrs, students from Taiwan, children of overseas Chinese, children of active servicemen and children of national model workers will be given care under the same conditions according to relevant regulations.

4、 Job requirements

(1) Plan management and process monitoring

Enrollment in compulsory education shall be subject to plan management. The district education committee strengthened the prospective forecast of enrollment demand, formulated enrollment plans for primary schools and junior high schools according to the number of school-age population, the number of primary school graduates and the scale of primary and secondary schools, and reported them to the municipal education committee for filing. Each school shall not adjust its enrollment plan without approval. In 2024, the district will continue to use the city's unified primary and junior high school enrollment service system, recording every student's enrollment way and method throughout the whole process, and the education administrative department will query and monitor according to its authority.

(2) Strengthen the management of student status

The Beijing Primary and Secondary School Student Status Management Information System will establish new student status based on the primary school and junior high school enrollment service system. The district education committee will strictly manage the student status of primary and secondary school students, control the abnormal flow of new students, and ensure the normal education and teaching order of all schools.

(3) Eliminate illegal operations

  1。 All primary and secondary schools shall operate in strict accordance with the timetable and admission procedures uniformly stipulated by the District Education Commission. All primary and secondary schools shall issue official "Admission Notice" on the specified date. Before the summer vacation, each primary school is responsible for the education of its graduates.

  2。 We will resolutely curb arbitrary charges. Strictly implement the requirements of relevant documents of Beijing on regulating education fees, strengthen supervision, and strictly prohibit the collection of school selection fees, registration fees, testing fees, borrowing fees, etc. in any name at the stage of compulsory education.

  3。 Eliminate illegal operations. Strictly implement the Opinions of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education on Enrollment in 2024 Compulsory Education in "It is strictly prohibited to use examination results and various competition certificates, training competition results, grading certificates, etc. as the basis for enrollment, and to select students in various forms such as interview, evaluation, resume acceptance, etc. It is strictly prohibited for schools and off campus training institutions to recruit and select students in advance in the form of training classes, campus open days, summer camps, etc. It is strictly prohibited for any school to use experimental classes, characteristic classes, international departments, national And other relevant regulations, and seriously deal with violations and disciplines in accordance with the law.

  4。 Each school should designate a special person to be responsible for policy consultation and letter and visit reception, and actively accept social supervision. The District Education Committee regularly informs the whole system of the acceptance, undertaking and handling of letters and visits related to enrollment in compulsory education.

  5。 Strengthen the management, guidance, supervision and inspection of compulsory education enrollment in the district. The district education committee, together with the people's governments of all towns and sub district offices, shall organize and urge school-age children and adolescents to attend school at the beginning of the new school year, and do a good job in controlling dropout and ensuring school security.

The district education committee timely publicized the detailed rules for the implementation of compulsory education enrollment in the district. Each primary and secondary school undertaking the task of compulsory education shall publicize the information such as the nature of the school, the scale of running the school, the source of funds, the scope of services, the enrollment plan and the enrollment list in a prominent position in the school. All schools should do a good job in the propaganda of admission policies. During the compulsory education enrollment work, we will establish a special situation consultation mechanism and an emergency reporting system to steadily promote the compulsory education enrollment work.

In 2024, the district education committee will continue to supervise and inspect the enrollment work in the compulsory education stage.


Schedule of Entrance Work in the 2024 Compulsory Education Stage in Mentougou District

Source: Mentougou Education

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