Can the Full Outpatient Service for Learning Difficulties in Winter Holiday Counter attack the "academic slag"?

Can the Full Outpatient Service for Learning Difficulties in Winter Holiday Counter attack the "academic slag"?
17:53, January 25, 2024 China News Network

BEIJING, Jan. 25 (Shao Meng and Zhang Yuhui) With the arrival of the final exam and winter vacation, the Capital Institute of Pediatrics (hereinafter referred to as "Shouer Institute") has a "No. 1" clinic for learning difficulties. "Inattention in class, constant small movements", "difficulties in reading and writing", "no achievement"...... Parents and children with these problems have come to the clinic to seek professional help.

Is learning difficulty a disease? What conditions need treatment? Is it difficult for children to learn if their grades are not ideal? After seeing the clinic for learning difficulties, can we let the "academic slag" counter attack? With these questions in mind, Sino Singapore Health came to the Children's Hospital affiliated to the Capital Institute of Pediatrics and talked with Zhang Lili, the deputy chief physician of the hospital's health center.

   Learning Disability Clinic No. 1 is hard to find

   More than 8000 patients are treated every year

Walking into the 8th floor of Shou'er Children's Protection Building, you can see the decoration of ocean theme, bookshelves with picture books, various educational toys and green plants in the corner. The health care center, which includes learning disability clinic, sleep clinic, growth and development clinic and other characteristic clinics, is located here.

 In the children's health care center, ocean themed decorations and bookcases with picture books are placed. Photographed by Zhang Yuhui In the children's health care center, ocean themed decorations and bookcases with picture books are placed. Photographed by Zhang Yuhui

Since its opening in May 2022, the learning difficulties clinic of the Capital Institute has received more than 8000 patients every year. The out-patient clinic aims to find out the causes of children's learning difficulties, identify the diseases that affect their learning performance, and carry out diagnostic assessment, intervention guidance, parent education and comprehensive intervention of drug therapy for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disabilities through various examinations and assessments.

Zhang Lili said that the patients in the clinic were mainly school-age children, most of whom were in primary school, including some junior and senior high school students. Among these patients, more than 60% come to see a doctor because of attention problems, and the proportion of children with ADHD is high.

"However, in the clinic we have seen recently, there are more middle school students, especially junior high school students. Near the final exam, some children will worry that they will not do well in the exam, or their mental state will be bad after illness. Relatively speaking, there will be more children with emotional problems." Zhang Lili said.

   About 1/3 of children come because of parents' anxiety

   Poor performance does not mean learning difficulties

In addition to nervous system development defects and psychological problems, there are also parents who bring their children to see a doctor because of "achievement anxiety". According to Zhang Lili's observation, such children account for about 1/3 of the outpatient services.

"Some children study very well, but their parents think they should be better. Their parents think, 'You should get 100 points, why did you only get 95 points?'" Zhang Lili helplessly said that children are individuals different from their parents, and their learning ability is also different. Parents are too demanding and anxious, which will also make children feel left behind, or even abandon themselves. She will patiently communicate with parents to tell them that their children's learning ability is OK, and suggest parents to be more tolerant and understanding.

 The psychological and developmental behavior center where the learning disability clinic is located. Photographed by Shao Meng The psychological and developmental behavior center where the learning disability clinic is located. Photographed by Shao Meng

There are also parents who come with the idea of letting children with poor grades improve their grades as soon as possible. Zhang Lili stressed that poor performance does not mean learning difficulties, and learning difficulties clinic cannot solve all learning problems at once.

How to identify whether children have learning difficulties? In Zhang Lili's opinion, if both teachers and parents feel that the child has problems in learning, attention and other aspects, they suggest going to the hospital in time. "Parents often have high expectations of their children, but teachers see their children's learning status, learning ability and interpersonal relationships most of the time. If teachers also report that children have problems with their attention and do not learn well, they must see in time and not delay."

   The sooner you intervene, the better

   Medication is not everything

Regarding learning difficulties, Zhang Lili stressed that early identification and intervention are very important. "Generally, the earlier the adjustment, the better. Drug treatment is more effective for children with ADHD. But if it is a problem in learning skills, try to come to the doctor in the lower grades of primary school. Once in middle school, it is difficult to adjust."

 Zhang Lili is seeing a doctor. Pictures provided by the head Zhang Lili is seeing a doctor. Pictures provided by the head

According to her, the clinic for learning difficulties mainly helps children through drug therapy, behavior therapy and other means. "But the drugs for treatment are not omnipotent. Children with ADHD have insufficient self-discipline and executive power, so we need to help them develop good learning habits, let them realize that learning is their own thing, and what really needs to be changed is their own drive." Zhang Lili said that when it comes to school age, especially in the first and second grades, we should focus on training children's learning task arrangement Planning ability and interpersonal skills.

A good family atmosphere is equally important. Zhang Lili pointed out that ADHD is a "chronic disease", and treatment is a long-term process. Harmonious family relations and relaxed family atmosphere are also an important part of treatment. She found that children with good parents tend to have a better prognosis; The parents are very anxious. Sometimes the children are not so good with drugs.

She stressed that although parents mainly evaluate the treatment effect from whether their scores have improved, in fact, the improvement of children's self-confidence, self-esteem and interpersonal skills is also an important criterion for evaluation. Through the outpatient service for learning difficulties, on the one hand, it is to treat, on the other hand, it is to guide children how to do it. On the basis of drug assistance, parents, teachers and doctors help children progress together, and the treatment effect will be ideal. (End)

Original title: China Singapore Health | The clinic for learning difficulties in winter vacation is full, can it let the "academic slag" counter attack?

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