What can parents and schools do when children "smell sweet" tend to be younger

What can parents and schools do when children "smell sweet" tend to be younger
15:00, May 23, 2024 Surging news

"Children get dirty at the exit" attracts more attention.

On May 22, the Tianjin media Tonight News reported that many parents said that the phenomenon of children's "dirty export" was very common, and children did not feel that swearing was a problem, which was more worrying.

In the report, a primary school teacher, who did not want to be named, said that swearing by students is indeed common nowadays, and it is a trend of younger age. Some children will take a few dirty words as oral language and connect them with other contents. What they want to express is not anger, but exaggeration to express certain emotions. The teacher said that the first sign of swearing used to be in the third grade. With the students' grades rising, swearing became more and more serious. But now, the students' swearing tends to be younger, and swearing actually comes out of the mouth of children in grade one or two. This phenomenon should arouse the vigilance of the educational circles and parents.

The surging news noticed that online messages reflecting children's outrageous behavior appeared on political platforms all over the country from time to time. For example, in April this year, a netizen in Tianshui, Gansu Province said that he heard a student from Class 3, Grade 5 of Fuxi Lu Yifu Primary School scolding a classmate at the exit when he passed by. The swearing words were particularly unpleasant. He hoped that the school and parents would discipline the students strictly.

Fuxi Lu Yifu Primary School replied on May 15 that, in view of the social impact caused by this problem, the school continued to educate all students to form civilized habits by making use of speeches and theme class meetings under the national flag, and called on everyone to be a person of high morality. In the future, the school will continue to deepen the cultivation of students' behavior habits, further strengthen refined management, and strive to create a good educational environment.

In Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, some citizens also said that their children were in grade one and grade two. According to their experience, most of the children pointed at other children in school and swore at them. Xi'an Chanba No. 20 Primary School replied that the school had held a special behavior development meeting, requiring all departments to strengthen students' regular education, increase positive example publicity, and guide students to establish positive language and behavior habits. At the same time, we should strengthen the family school relationship, guide parents to attach importance to family education, and promote the healthy growth of students.

In addition, the Education and Sports Bureau of Pingquan City, Hebei Province, when replying to the proposal made by the CPPCC members, said that social evils were an important factor in the negative guidance of the ideological and moral construction of young people, especially the "yellow", "gray" and "black" three color pollution, which caused great harm to young people and children. The network is an important transmission path. It can be said that the development of the network has facilitated life, but has harmed children. Students learned porn, violence, online celebrity language and Jianghu jargon on the Internet. During online classes, mobile phones came back to students, and some students had more opportunities to indulge in mobile phones and toxic content on the Internet.

The above answer is straightforward. Students' parents are another aspect of society and have a great impact on students' thoughts. Some parents of students, while telling their children to study hard and make progress every day, are gambling, playing games, playing mobile phones, swearing, and even some are corrupt, pornographic, and the second generation of officials and the second generation of the rich, whose ideas of "power is greater than law", "money is greater than law", and "money is supreme" are all generated in the family. Social information orientation will also harm children's healthy mind, especially foreign films and literary works. Some children have established the idea of "foreign countries are good" since they were young, and forgot their parents' kindness when they grew up. Some legal cases and education contents are introduced in detail. Some children experience that they are law-abiding, while some children accept the profit making methods and criminal tactics. The idea of pyramid selling, lending and prostitution comes from this. All aspects of the adverse factors of the social environment need to be cleaned up and maintained by the whole society, and schools and families need to guide them correctly.

In the report of Tonight News on May 22, Cui Peng (a pseudonym), who is engaged in teaching non major subjects in a middle school, said that in reality, some teachers have the mentality of "nothing to do with themselves" and "more is better than less" when they say dirty words to students. "I'm not a class teacher, I don't care" "I'm not a major teacher, I don't care". "In order to reduce the 'curse' on campus, we need to educate all the students from the school level. Student education is not just a matter for the head teacher, including all teachers, and even external outsourcing personnel such as security guards and cleaning personnel in the school have the responsibility and obligation to remind students at any time and anywhere on campus not to 'get dirty when exporting'."

In addition, family education is also very important. For example, the relationship between parents in the family also has a profound impact on children. If parents are not good, they often quarrel. If you scold me, I scold you. If children watch, they will inevitably learn two sentences. Husband and wife should try to create a harmonious family environment and atmosphere, especially not to fight or argue in front of children. For another example, if the child plays mobile games at home and other players in the game speak foul words, it is also important whether parents can intervene and guide at the first time.

Zhang Liping, associate professor of the Education Department of Tianjin Normal University, proposed that discourse civilization should start from adults, and parents and teachers of teenagers should set an example; It can also form and promote some words expressing strong emotions in the whole society, especially in schools and families, which are short, clear and catchy, and reduce the opportunities for teenagers to say dirty words, such as "stick", "magic" and "cow", which not only achieve the purpose of expressing emotions, but also purify the language.

Original title: This story | What can parents and schools do when children "spit fragrance" tend to be younger

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