The attitude of resisting bullying "you" on campus is the confidence of children

The attitude of resisting bullying "you" on campus is the confidence of children
15:26, March 21, 2024 Beijing Daily client

The vicious cases related to minors have once again made the topic of campus bullying hot. How to resist the "violence in the corner" has been hotly debated by all parties, and a class teacher's video of "cruel words" to the whole class has won the praise of all outlets - in class, she told students that once they were bullied, they must stand up straight and say "no" loudly, and must trust the teacher to support you.

Campus bullying has a long history. From the observation of the cases exposed by the media, bullying is often characterized by long-term and continuity. Some children have been bullied for several years, and even later felt that "it is normal to be bullied." On the other hand, relevant studies at home and abroad have long pointed out that when campus bullying occurs, if the victims can timely report to teachers and family for help, people around them can help in a timely manner, Infringement will probably stop there. Unfortunately, in quite a few cases, many children are reluctant to ask for help after being bullied, and most of the time they are found by parents and teachers because they are injured. Such silence also encourages the aggressor's arrogance, which is likely to lead to escalation of violence.

Then, why did the bullied children dare not resist or even speak when facing the "waving fist"? The reasons may be diverse. From the perspective of psychological research, learned helplessness is a major incentive. Through many victims' after the fact narrations, "it's useless to say" is their biggest worry. Some teachers and parents lack sufficient awareness of campus bullying. In their eyes, fighting among children is also "mischief". When an angry student "complains", some teachers try to appease others by saying "Don't provoke him". Some parents will teach their children to "make less trouble". Even after an accident, parents of bullies will rightfully retaliate, "Why don't he hit others?". When bullying is gently let go, and when help seeking signals are repeatedly ignored and suppressed, children on the weak side will gradually be overwhelmed by disappointment and despair. Those who lack a sense of security lose the courage to resist, and do not know how to get out of the predicament, and finally become "silent lambs".

Against this background, the head teacher refused to make peace and supported the bullied children with a clear attitude, which naturally touched people's hearts. As netizens said, "good teachers are the backing of students". In the face of bullying, teachers and parents immediately pay attention, talk about right and wrong, provide emotional support, and teach students and children how to deal with aggression. These warm hearted operations can undoubtedly help children muster the courage to ask for help and resist righteously. Past tragedies have repeatedly shown that indifference is the accomplice of bullies; Connivance is a refuge for the violent. To resist campus bullying, we must think more from the standpoint of the victims and support them from the psychological support and practical assistance level. Looking abroad, the core measure to punish campus bullying in many countries is to "not condemn the management law". In short, it is to pay enough attention to the "doormat", which is the same as the above class teacher's hard words.

In the face of campus bullying, "you" attitude is the confidence of children. Of course, extreme criminal cases are unique cases, but the hidden existence of daily bullying is the source of tragedy. From the perspective of source management, parents and the school should work together to detect abnormal signs early and intervene early, pay more attention and support to bullied, introverted and cowardly children, and encourage them to speak out bravely; For the "little overlords" on the edge of danger, it is advisable to carry out targeted education and guidance, so as to prevent them from making mistakes again and again. In a word, the existing lessons on this issue are heavy enough to prevent the hidden corner from continuing to be hidden.

Original title: Sharp review | Resist bullying on campus, "you" attitude is the confidence of children!

Source: Yu Xin, commentator of Beijing Daily client

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