How to add complementary food for allergic children?

How to add complementary food for allergic children?
10:00, May 10, 2021 Sina parenting

   Q: How can children with allergies add complementary foods?

   Answer: 1. At present, there is a lack of research on complementary food addition for children with milk protein allergy;

2. In children with milk protein allergy, the risk of allergy to other foods may increase- Especially children with severe milk protein allergy- Children who need amino acid formula feeding are often accompanied by multiple food allergies;

3. Suggestion: For those with mild to moderate allergies and well controlled allergies, the complementary food addition is the same as that of normal infants; For patients with severe allergy and multiple food allergies, the addition of complementary food needs to be evaluated by the immunology and digestive doctors; For children with severe food allergy, the addition of complementary food should follow the instructions of the specialist

   Source: This article is compiled from an interview with teacher Zhou Gaojun, an expert: Beijing Children's Hospital Women and Children's Center, Shunyi District Maternal and Child Health Hospital paediatrics expert Zhou Gaojun

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