BYD officially unveiled the "birthplace of the world's first plug-in hybrid vehicle"

BYD officially unveiled the "birthplace of the world's first plug-in hybrid vehicle"
2024-05-26 17:47:39 Original by Sina Auto

On May 24, the unveiling ceremony of "the birthplace of the world's first plug-in hybrid vehicle" was held in the BYD Xi'an High tech Industrial Park was officially held. As the pioneer and practitioner of plug-in hybrid technology in China, BYD's first plug-in hybrid vehicle in 2008 was officially mass produced in Xi'an, so Xi'an's high-tech industrial park is a very important production base for BYD.

 BYD officially unveiled the "birthplace of the world's first plug-in hybrid vehicle"

The commemorative plaque of "the birthplace of the world's first plug-in hybrid vehicle" shows the overall figure of "1", which not only shows that this is the birthplace of the first BYD plug-in hybrid vehicle, but also reflects that BYD is striving to become the industry leader in the fields of research, development, production and sales, and dedicates more and better technology to consumers, And establish BYD's automobile circle in the global field.

 BYD officially unveiled the "birthplace of the world's first plug-in hybrid vehicle"

As early as December 2008, the world's first plug-in hybrid vehicle, BYD F3DM, was mass produced in Xi'an BYD High tech Industrial Park. The DM (Dual Mode) dual-mode technology carried by this model officially inaugurates the hybrid technology route of automobile focusing on electricity, and introduces and realizes the driving mode of "short distance electricity and long distance oil". Such an innovative idea might be criticized at that time, but now it seems that BYD's idea is absolutely ahead of the times. This is not only a breakthrough in technical barriers, but also a breakthrough in the restrictions on professional charging stations, allowing fuel and pure electricity to blend together, bringing consumers more and more interesting driving experience and power performance.

 BYD officially unveiled the "birthplace of the world's first plug-in hybrid vehicle"

Looking back at the development history of BYD, we can easily see that, as the earliest enterprise in the world to develop plug-in hybrid technology, BYD, after entering the automotive industry in 2003, took the lead in realizing that diversified power combinations will promote the rapid development of the entire automotive industry, so it started the research and development of hybrid vehicles.

After four generations of technology refining and innovation, BYD has also established the mainstream position of plug-in hybrid technology in the field of hybrid power by virtue of the stability and superiority of its own products. Whether in the domestic market or the international market, as long as the hybrid technology is mentioned, BYD is bound to be seen.

 BYD officially unveiled the "birthplace of the world's first plug-in hybrid vehicle"

It is precisely because of such technologies and products that the sales of BYD plug-in models will increase 30 times in just three years from 2020 to 2023, from 48000 in 2020 to 1.43 million in 2023. Today, BYD's plug-in hybrid vehicle sales are the first in the world, accounting for 50% in China, which means that for every two plug-in hybrid vehicles sold in the Chinese market, one is BYD.

 BYD officially unveiled the "birthplace of the world's first plug-in hybrid vehicle"

Although BYD has made such proud achievements, the research and development of new technologies has never stopped. At the unveiling ceremony, BYD also indirectly disclosed some information, that is, on May 28, BYD's fifth generation DM technology will be released in Xi'an, which will once again create a new record of low fuel consumption, and at the same time, the vehicle's power More improvements have also been made in terms of performance, which will once again overturn consumers' perception of traditional fuel vehicles.

At present, the fifth generation DM technology is still in the stage of confidentiality. We are also looking forward to the official release of this technology, so as to bring more good products to consumers. Let's look forward to the new technology conference in Xi'an on May 28.

(Editor in charge: Gong Xingchen)
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