Analysis on the Development of Biometric Technology in Automobile Field

Analysis on the Development of Biometric Technology in Automobile Field
2024-05-15 09:07:28 Vehicle quality net
 Analysis on the Development of Biometric Technology in Automobile Field

Nowadays, people are used to using fingerprints to unlock mobile phones and pay by brushing their faces. Biometric technology has brought more convenience to our daily life. In addition to affecting daily life, biometrics technology has also been widely used in the automotive field, and has shown a trend of accelerated popularization in recent years. According to relevant reports, by 2025, 1/3 of the world's new cars will be equipped with biometric sensors. How does biometric technology affect the automotive industry? What changes will it bring to the automotive industry? This issue of Quality Car will give you a detailed analysis.

   1、 What is biometric technology? What are the characteristics of biometrics technology?

 Analysis on the Development of Biometric Technology in Automobile Field

The so-called biometric technology refers to the identification of personal identity through the close combination of computers with high-tech means such as optics, acoustics, biosensors and biostatistics principles, using the inherent physiological characteristics of the human body (such as fingerprints, facial images, iris, etc.) and behavioral characteristics (such as handwriting, voice, gait, etc.). Compared with traditional identification, biometrics technology has the following characteristics:

   1. Portability: Biometrics are inherent features of the human body, which are uniquely bound to the human body and have portability.

   2. Security: Human characteristics themselves are the best proof of personal identity to meet higher security requirements.

   3. Uniqueness: Everyone has different biological characteristics.

   4. Stability: Biometrics such as fingerprint, iris and other human features will not change with time and other conditions.

   5. Extensiveness: Everyone has biological characteristics.

   6. Convenience: Biometric technology does not need to memorize passwords and carry special tools (such as keys), which will not be lost.

   7. Collectibility: Biometrics are easy to measure.

   8. Acceptability: Users are willing to accept the selected personal biometrics and their applications.

Based on the above characteristics, biometrics technology has advantages that traditional means of identification cannot match. With biometric technology, it is no longer necessary to remember and set passwords. Important files, data and transactions can be encrypted safely with it, which can effectively prevent malicious theft and make use of it more convenient.

   2、 Application of Biometric Technology in Automobile Industry

 Analysis on the Development of Biometric Technology in Automobile Field

Biometric technology has been widely used in daily life, and these technologies are also rapidly integrating into the automotive industry. At present, the application of biometrics in the automotive industry mainly includes fingerprint recognition, voice recognition, gesture recognition, face recognition, iris recognition, etc.

   1. Fingerprint identification

Fingerprint identification technology mainly compares human fingerprint with fingerprint feature points in a known database based on information such as lines and details of human fingerprints, so as to identify individuals. Fingerprint recognition has been applied in the automotive field for a long time. As early as 2004, Audi A8L was equipped with a fingerprint start button. Later, Porsche and other car companies have also successively developed and launched this technology.

The fingerprint collector is small in size and low in price, which is suitable for large-scale popularization. However, fingerprint collection will be affected by the external use environment such as finger skin damage, temperature and humidity, and is easy to obtain and copy at low cost, such as fingerprint patterns, artificial fingers, etc., which has potential security risks.

   2. Voice recognition

Voice recognition is the biometric technology with the highest penetration rate and the most frequent use on automobiles at present. Its main application way is intelligent voice control, which controls vehicles through specific voice commands.

Compared with other biometric technologies, voice recognition is more simple and convenient. However, the disadvantage is that it is easy to be interfered by external noise, and the current vehicle borne intelligent voice control function has high requirements for users' mandarin, unable to recognize dialects.

   3. Gesture recognition

Similar to voice recognition, gesture recognition is also a "non-contact" control mode. When the driver's hand is close to the touch screen or the sensor on the center console, the system can sense the control action of the hand. Without actual contact, it can achieve functions such as answering and making calls, adjusting the volume, selecting songs, and controlling the vehicle. Gesture recognition also includes static gesture recognition and dynamic gesture recognition. Among them, Chang'an UNI-K and other models are equipped with static gesture recognition function, while BMW 7 series, 5 series and X7 (Configuration |Inquiry) X5 (Configuration |Inquiry) The dynamic gesture recognition function is adopted for other models.

Hand gesture recognition also has the advantages of simple and convenient operation, and will not be affected by the external environment. However, current gesture recognition on cars can only control specific functions and is not very scalable. And gesture recognition usually requires the user to aim at the sensor, if the position deviates, it may not be able to accurately recognize.

   4. Face recognition

Facial recognition is a recognition technology that quantifies a series of parameters through the distance, angle, size and shape between facial features and facial organs. The application scenarios of facial recognition are very extensive, including monitoring whether the driver is focused, driver identification, etc. The former is mainly used in intelligent auxiliary driving systems such as Cadillac Super Cruise and Subaru DriverFocus, while the latter is often used in vehicles with FACE ID recognition function such as Avita 11 and Zero Run C01.

The face recognition acquisition method is simple and hidden, and can collect multiple face information in different application scenarios. However, face recognition is easily affected by light, focus, facial posture and other factors. At the same time, people with distinctive facial features (such as small eyes) may be misidentified (such as fatigue driving).

   5. Iris recognition

Iris recognition is a technology to identify identity through the unique eye iris features of the human body. It is widely considered to be the most accurate, stable and scalable identity recognition system at present. Iris recognition technology will be applied for the first time in 2021 BMW iNext In 2022, Hyundai Motor applied to the United States Patent and Trademark Office for a patent for the iris certification system, which can enter the vehicle by scanning the iris of the eyes.

Compared with fingerprint recognition and face recognition, non-contact iris recognition has higher security. Because of its unique structure, it is difficult to be imitated by others. The iris recognition system includes two modules, software and hardware. In addition to the difficulties in software, the high cost of detection equipment, the lack of camera stability and other factors also limit the popularity and development of this technology.

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