Z-Blog Application Center > PHP Theme >Single page website template | Super single page | SEO ranking single page

Single page website template | Super single page | SEO ranking single page

  • ID : superpage
  • edition :
  • author : bloggo ( Author website )  Contact author
  • Official website : https://www.finchui.com/
  • system requirements : Z-BlogPHP 1.7.0 Tenet
  • Update Date : 2024-09-19 14:26:35
  • amount of downloads : seven thousand one hundred and five
  • Scoring : The average score of 103 people voting is 9.48/10
  • PHP version : 5.4 and higher
  • size : 1002KB

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#Demo Site #Update log #Experience the backstage

Service commitment:     Responsive          Original works          Free experience          Free upgrade          Unlimited domain name          Permanent use          After sales guarantee          Custom Color          Custom typesetting          Custom List Style          SEO title, keywords and description          SEO ranking page


Default Demo Site:


Other demo sites:


The website homepage poster carousel picture opens the effect display of full screen large picture mode!

Note: Our demo website strives to show all the functions of the theme template, which is only for reference in the content configuration and layout. In fact, in addition to the above websites, there are many functions that are not shown on the page.

You can freely match (delete) the content displayed in each section according to your own needs.

Based on the powerful DIY function of the theme page, you can also match more page colors and layout styles!

Example of our website:




User site navigation:


*This address contains a small number of user websites included by us (you can actively submit websites to us for inclusion)

There are four ways to display the website header:

 Four display modes of website head.jpg

Purpose 1. To be a pure single page website

Set only the main section of the webpage, so that the website has only one home page. Click the navigation bar to reach the designated position of the webpage.

In the pure single page mode, you need to customize the navigation bar link, and fill the link in the anchor text link where the section is located on the home page of the website.

Pure single page websites are suitable for landing pages.

For example:

Advertising landing page, bidding landing page, promotion landing page, today's headline landing page, JD landing page, WeChat landing page, Taobao landing page, mobile phone landing page, dithering landing page, etc. We can easily create landing pages using our templates.

What is the landing page?

Landing page is also called landing page and guide page. It is an advertising form with clear theme marketing campaign advertising form. Generally speaking, you need to pay to buy advertising space on social platforms or search engines. After visitors click to open an advertisement, they need a webpage to display your advertising content. This page is the landing page.

Purpose 2. Build a website with single page+N expansion forms

A rich website will be built by the single page main section (one or more articles) with website classification, custom code section, user reviews, recent updates, popular tags, friendship links and other sections.

Not all of the above mentioned sections need to be set. You can select settings according to your own needs. The background can be turned on and off.

1. The single page main section needs to select the specified article or page, which can display one or more sections.

2. The single page main section, website classification list section, custom code section and user evaluation section can be adjusted and sorted.

3. Four list styles can be selected for website classification. In other words, four classification templates are:

The pure title article list, picture list, image text list and website navigation list can be mixed by selecting the classified list sections with different list styles.

4. In the custom code section, third-party form codes can be inserted to enable users to place orders or make reservations online.

5. Display user comments.

6. Other functions are described below.

SEO summary:

A website with single page+N expansion forms can achieve the goal of promoting products by creating categories, publishing content, optimizing tags (keywords) in the site, and continuously updating the website, so that the website can obtain keyword ranking in the search engine.

Purpose 3. One background manages multiple single pages (imitating the first page)

Do you think our website template only needs to generate a single home page?

We also added the advanced option function of page management. Through page management - page editing - you can create countless independent single pages like the home page of a website.

Page presentation: https://sp.fui.fyi/danye.html

The purpose of this function is to help users create multiple single pages like the home page without creating a new website. At the same time, each single page can optimize an independent keyword, so that you can rank multiple keywords on a website at the same time.

The single page created by page management page editing can display the designated website classification list section, so as to realize the purpose of multiple keywords for the designated product.

SEO summary:

Facts have proved that the weight of a keyword for a single page is closer to the weight of the home page than that of a keyword for an article or website classification.

Usage 4. Unlimited advertising pages can be created

If you don't like the single page form of the home page, you only need a pure single page that does not include links to other pages. You can create it through the article editing - advertising single page function.

With WeChat customer service plug-in《 Yanque - add customer service WeChat - constantly prompt someone to add friends 》Ad sheet page used


Advertising leaflet for pure picture display:


Purpose 5. Website classification can be set as special single page

Page presentation: https://sp.fui.fyi/special/


On the special page, you can set column descriptions, display sub category content list blocks respectively, customize the content list blocks of other categories, associate related articles with keywords, and associate with peer categories.

In a word, this is a theme template that meets the personalized requirements of users.

For example:

Website logo (five display styles are supported), search box, website customer service (three contact methods), overall website header (four display styles are supported), page width, website color, navigation bar Banner pictures, carousel pictures (supporting full screen display and non full screen display), single page subjects, classified lists (four styles), custom code sections, user reviews, latest articles, popular tags, friendship links, etc. can be set through the background.

Finally, we strongly urge you to experience the backstage of the website where we have installed the work before purchase. You will find that our theme functions are much richer and more powerful than what we have introduced!


Hello, Z Blog related website has opened the real name system, please log in Bind your phone , and then make comments. Thank you for your support.

——Author's official website: FinchUI framework (www.finchui. com) - author QQ: 914466480 - author WeChat: hnyanshan - add author's WeChat by payment order number, and bring you into zblog webmaster communication group (Xinglan after-sales group) - service project: provide Z-blogPHP imitation site, theme/plug-in customization and modification and other services

ZBLOG Application Center - Application Purchase and Use Agreement

1. Before purchasing an app, you need to confirm whether the app meets your needs. Digital products do not support trial. According to Article 25 of the Consumer Protection Law, the app is a digital product downloaded online and cannot be refunded once it is downloaded and installed after purchase.
2. The application you purchased in the application center, Only the license of the application, and the ownership of the application still belongs to the application provider.
3. An application can only be used for a single account. Without the consent of the website and the application provider, No secondary release, gift, resale, lease, piracy, etc , otherwise we will Permanently close the user account And reserves the right to continue to investigate relevant responsibilities.
4. If The website containing the application is resold or given away, leased, etc. Please purchase the application with a new account or remove the application Otherwise, it will be deemed as violating the use agreement and permanently canceling the right to use the account.
5. Unless otherwise specified, the purchased applications only include relevant use rights and free update services, and the application center and application provider do not provide additional after-sales installation and other services.
6. The risks in your use of the application are entirely borne by the user, including system damage, data loss and any other risks.
seven Users shall not use this app to engage in any behavior that violates laws, regulations and social public order and good customs in any way. Users must bear all legal responsibilities for the possible consequences of their improper use, and the website and application provider will not bear any responsibility.
eight If the application provider and the website find that the user installs the application on illegal websites such as pornography, gambling, drugs and fraud, they will stop the user's use rights and services, and report the user's illegal information to the network supervision department.
9. The website and application providers reserve the right to change, restrict, freeze or terminate your use of certain content without notifying you and assuming no responsibility for you.

Purchasing Guide

1. Please first Registered account , and Sign in Application Center.
2. Directly click "Buy App" and follow the instructions.

Download Guide

1. The buyer logs in on his Z-Blog website, enters the background, and clicks the "Application Center" menu on the left menu bar.
2. On the home page of the "Application Center", log in using the application center registration account.
3. Enter "My Application Warehouse" to see the successfully purchased applications. Click "Download" to download and install them.

Other precautions

1. If you cannot normally access the application center through the background of your own website, please purchase carefully, because this may cause the application to fail to download and install smoothly.
2. If the paid application cannot be downloaded normally, please check Z-Blog and application updates in the background of your website. If you have updated to the latest version and still cannot download, please contact us in time.
3. The local settings may be overwritten when the update is applied. Please make a backup before the update.