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 Baidu Maps v18.9.0

Baidu Maps v18.9.0

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Baidu Maps is a map navigation application provided by Baidu Company, which aims to become your most intimate all-around travel assistant. Baidu map navigation mobile version live experience version releases home live map, a new AR experience! Baidu Mobile Map Andr

Domestic software Free Admission
Published: 2023-10-29 15:12:55
Software size: 129.67MB
Version: V18.9.0
Software license: freeware
Application rating: 16 years old and above
Application platform: Android Android
Software language: Simplified Chinese
Software rating: Average score of 4 persons is 0/10
Software manufacturer: Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd
Privacy Policy: Open Link
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Baidu Maps is a map navigation application provided by Baidu Company, which aims to become your most intimate all-around travel assistant. Baidu map navigation mobile version live experience version releases home live map, a new AR experience! Baidu Mobile Maps for Android has ushered in its first upgraded release since it was released at the end of March. It strongly launched the first live map, taking you into a new map experience.

Baidu map software function

Baidu Maps mobile version will now launch 3D navigation for the bridge area, just to solve the problem of driver navigation. The 3D form of navigation is used to get rid of the limitations of traditional two-dimensional maps, so that drivers can better understand the layout of surrounding roads, and it is difficult to avoid the wrong way when encountering complex road conditions.

Features of Baidu map software

1. Always tell you where you are:

Support Wi Fi, wap, net and other network access modes

Baidu has its own positioning service, providing base station, Wi Fi and GPS composite positioning.

2. Use the least flow and the fastest speed:

It provides offline map packages for more than 240 cities, supports Wi Fi direct download and PC import, saving you more than 90% of the traffic, and significantly improves the search, browsing speed and experience.

3. Help you find the place you want:

In addition to searching locations, businesses and bus stops, it also provides catering, entertainment, transportation, banks and other surrounding life information searching;% In addition to basic information such as address and telephone, it also provides rich information such as special dishes and business hours.

Baidu map software update log

1: New interface, refreshing, simple and efficient

2: Better and better performance

label: Baidu Maps
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This website“ Software download ”Software provided Baidu Maps v18.9.0 , the copyright belongs to Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. This website“ Software download ”Included in 2023-10-29 15:12:55 Baidu Maps v18.9.0 The content of the software is legal. If the content of the later software violates the rules, please contact the website administrator to delete it. Software Baidu Maps v18.9.0 The use risk of is borne by the user. This website“ Software download ”Wrong software Baidu Maps v18.9.0 Take any responsibility for the safety and legality of.

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