Programme capacity

 Convenient logistics query

Convenient logistics query

Support 1500+express companies' logistics query, provide detailed logistics information, analyze logistics status and return logistics track map, so as to facilitate businesses and customers to track commodity logistics.

 Efficient delivery experience

Efficient delivery experience

Support 50+express companies to print face to face orders, with an average printing speed of one order per second, which is convenient for merchants to deliver goods quickly; Multi scene and multi-mode printing of face orders and shipping orders supports user-defined printing templates and automatic return system of express bill numbers to improve business efficiency.

 Powerful value-added services

Powerful value-added services

Rich interface value-added services, providing multiple express logistics capabilities, such as map track display, express timeliness query, SMS sending, etc., to meet the needs of merchants and customers in multiple scenarios.

Scheme architecture

 Credit card business

Credit card business

 ok Map track
 ok Subscription push
 ok Real time query
 ok SMS notification
 Mall business

Mall business

 ok Map track
 ok Electronic face sheet printing
 ok Sent by merchants
 ok Subscription push
 ok Real time query
 Convenience service

Convenience service

 ok Real time query
 ok Personal mail

Typical scenario

  • Credit card logistics query

  • Shopping mall delivery and logistics tracking

  • Convenience service


SMS notification

The bank sends a short message to inform the customer of the mailing status and logistics information of the credit card.


Logistics Query

Query the logistics information of credit card in APP/applet.

Core advantages


Rich logistics service resources

Fourteen years of experience in interface services, logistics query supports 1500+express companies, face sheet printing supports 50+express companies, and a variety of value-added interfaces meet the needs of enterprises.


Industry leading experience and technology

Many years of service experience in the financial field, precipitated a number of key technologies, high stability and strong security.


High quality interface service

Insight into industry needs, continuously launch interface products and optimize interface performance; The daily average query volume has exceeded 300 million, and the throughput is nearly 400000/s.


High quality developer resources

Simple and fast access process, self-service application, fast opening, convenient debugging, sample code, farewell to the long development cycle.

Docking process

Registered enterprise account

Register/login account

Activate corresponding service

Select Product Service

Development and commissioning

Conduct development and debugging

Getting Started

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