Miaoshe King Asking Dharma

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Buddha said: All love will be impermanent for a long time. Life is full of fear, life is in danger of morning dew. From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are away from love, you will be free from worry and fear.

Gaye: How can we help those who are not in love?

Buddha said: no self phase, no human phase, no all living beings phase, no life phase, that is, away from love.

Jiaye: Shizun, there are eight hardships in life, life, old age, disease, death, behavior, love parting, begging, resentment and hatred. How to have no self, no appearance, no desire and no desire?

Buddha said: Love parting, hate meeting, give up and return to the west, nothing is human. It is nothing but eyeful emptiness and illusion.

Jiaye: Shizun, why is it easy for people to do nothing?

Buddha said: seed such as the cause, receive such as the fruit, all idealistic creation. Jiaye: How can the world reach?

Buddha said: sitting is also meditation, walking is also meditation, one flower is one world, one leaf is one Tathagata, spring flowers are green, autumn leaves are falling, infinite prajna mind is at ease, words are silent, movement is natural.

Jiaye: If there is karma, there must be phase, which will disturb people's minds. How about that? Buddha said: life is created by oneself, and phase is generated by the heart. Everything in the world is transformed into phase. The heart is not moved, everything is not moved, the heart is not changed, and everything is not changed.


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