General document recognition algorithm model

Recognize general documents, support Chinese and English languages, and mix handwriting and print
Price including tax:
¥50000 - 100000 /Pieces

Please consult with the service provider for the specific price

Product specification:
Basic Edition
Delivery instructions:
Application software delivery Confirm on demand
Invoicing information:
Support issuing VAT special invoices (deductible) and VAT ordinary invoices (non deductible)
Service guarantee:
Warranty period: 1 year
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Product highlights
1. The algorithm has high recognition accuracy and can accurately compare and identify in the presence of noise
2. Flexible deployment mode, supporting public cloud, privatization, and software hardware integration solution deployment
Product description
Applicable to banking, insurance, finance, taxation, customs, public security, border inspection, logistics, telecommunications industry and commerce management, library, household registration management, audit and other scenarios

Price description
Commodity specifications Delivery list Quantity/duration Price including tax
Basic Edition 1 general document recognition algorithm model 1 ¥50000-100000
after-sale service
Invoice Information
Support issuing VAT special invoices (deductible) and VAT ordinary invoices (non deductible)
Service guarantee
Warranty period: 1 year