Enterprise intelligent transformation solution

Combining enterprise business panorama map and industry development trend, help enterprises explore AI innovation application scenarios, establish AI innovation application scenario efficiency evaluation standards, and help enterprises achieve intelligent upgrading and transformation
Baidu Brain Self research
Products are independently developed by Baidu Brain
Price including tax:
¥100000 - 500000 /Set

Please consult with the service provider for the specific price

Product specification:
Basic Edition
Delivery instructions:
Manual delivery Confirm on demand
Invoicing information:
Support issuing VAT special invoices (deductible) and VAT ordinary invoices (non deductible)
Service guarantee:
Warranty period: 1 year
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Product highlights
1、 Blueprint vision: future oriented intelligent enterprise business architecture

2. Capability planning: intelligent maturity assessment model

3. Implementation path: systematic and intelligent transformation and upgrading methodology

4. Baidu empowerment: Baidu programs and products empower thousands of industries

Product description
Enable customers to transform and upgrade to future intelligent enterprises. The scheme takes capacity construction as the main line, and puts forward four basic principles of intelligent upgrading: "scenario first, capacity as the key link, innovation as the core, and efficiency as the key". At the same time, through a set of methods and tools, realize the value of transformation.
Application scenarios
Enterprise intelligent transformation, enterprise AI cognitive education and other scenarios
Price description
Commodity specifications Delivery list Quantity/duration Price including tax
Basic Edition 1 set of enterprise intelligent transformation solution 1 set ¥100000-500000
after-sale service
Invoice Information
Support issuing VAT special invoices (deductible) and VAT ordinary invoices (non deductible)
Service guarantee
Warranty period: 1 year