Serve the People with Active Red Resources

Huzhou Anji Promotes the Study and Education of Party History

Cui Jili, Wang Weili

09:40, May 23, 2021 Source: Huzhou Daily
Original title: Serve the people with living red resources

"The Red Army is not afraid of the difficulties of expeditions, and thousands of rivers and mountains are just waiting..." Recently, the red propaganda group organized by Tianzihu Town, Anji County, Huzhou went to Liangpeng Sports Goods Co., Ltd. in the county to launch the party history propaganda activities. The members of the propaganda group started with the "Qilu · Long March", telling a classic story of the Red Army's Long March for the employees. "It is precisely because of the efforts of our ancestors that we have a good day today." Yao Shangyuan, a party member, said with emotion, "I want to learn their spirit of fearing hardships and dangers, and put more passion and enthusiasm into work."

This year, around the theme of Party history learning and education, the county has constantly innovated learning forms and carriers, excavated and used red resources, practiced and implemented service measures, promoted the Party history learning and education to go deep and solid, and set off a vigorous red learning upsurge throughout the county.

At the gate of Liujiatang Village Committee in Shangshu Township, there is a bronze statue of Dong Caibao. During this period, Chu Xuesong, secretary of the village's general party branch, served as a commentator, telling villagers and tourists about the story that he was killed by the Kuomintang when he sent his children to join the New Fourth Army, returned to his hometown after liberation, took the lead in supporting the army, and was received by Chairman Mao. "Every time when I talk, I see that everyone listens very carefully," said Chu Xuesong.

"History is the best textbook." The relevant person in charge of the county said that Anji had produced many revolutionary ancestors and moving deeds. In order to further enrich the learning materials of the party history, Anji used red resources to dig out a number of local red typical figures, such as Shen Ziqiu, Xiong Jianxiang, Dong Caibao, etc, Let their stories and experiences become fresh teaching materials for the study and education of party history.

In order to improve the learning effect, each township, street and government department has made efforts to innovate the learning carrier and learning methods. The Federation of Trade Unions launched the music party course, so that the "voice" of learning and education of party history can be heard by people; Baofu Town transmits the learning atmosphere to thousands of families through mobile classroom; Changshuo Street has set up an "8090" new era theory preaching group, and it has become a common practice for young people to take the lead in learning...... "Red factors" with distinctive styles are jumping between green waters and green mountains.

Study the history of the Party with heart and do practical things sincerely. In combination with the special practice activities of "I do practical things for the masses, I solve problems for enterprises, and I reduce burdens for the grassroots", the county comprehensively and deeply carried out the "three services" 2.0 series activities. Focusing on the concerns of the masses and enterprises, we launched the "Five Visits and Five Demands" working method to solve problems for enterprises and the masses. Carry out special actions such as "100 day hard work, 100 practical things" to overcome difficulties and practical things. Relying on the "spear transfer through train", the mediation site will be sunk from the town village spear transfer center to the place where conflicts and disputes occur, so as to realize the mediation of conflicts and disputes without going out. In addition, through deepening the system of six county leaders and the system of township and village cadres going from village to village, we further delivered high-quality services to the hearts of the people.

(Editor in charge: Ai Yutao, Wang Liwei)

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