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People's Network

Water conservancy development funds, 2.5 billion yuan from the central government

55 pilot counties are supported to build Shuimei villages

April 24, 2020 08:27 | Source: People's Daily
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, April 23 (Reporter Wang Hao) The Ministry of Water Resources and the Ministry of Finance recently announced the first batch of 55 pilot counties for water system connectivity and comprehensive improvement of rural water systems. The central finance will give appropriate support in the form of building first and then supplementing, and combining rewards and subsidies. The implementation period is from 2020 to 2021. At present, the central government has allocated 2.5 billion yuan for water conservancy development.

In October 2019, the Ministry of Water Resources and the Ministry of Finance jointly launched the pilot work of water system connectivity and rural water system comprehensive improvement, and finally determined the list of 55 pilot counties through competitive project approval and expert technical review. The Ministry of Water Resources and the Ministry of Finance will guide the pilot counties to solve the prominent problems of siltation and shrinkage, serious water pollution, and water ecological deterioration in rural water systems, restore the functions of rivers and lakes, improve the living environment, and create a batch of distinctive Demonstrate and lead a strong model of comprehensive water control at the county level, and build a beautiful water village to enhance people's sense of gain, happiness and security.

People's Daily (April 24, 2020, Version 6)

(Editor in charge: Zhang Fan, Zhang Liwei)

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