Revitalizing the Party's History and Understanding the Great Truth

Jinhua Party history preaching is grounded, popular and energetic

Wang Longyu, Xu Jiannan

10:50, May 21, 2021 Source: Jinhua News Network
Original title: Jinhua Party History Publicity is grounded, popular and energetic

"The sisters came to the museum last November and donated a batch of red cultural relics on behalf of their dead father, Huang Jingying, a veteran of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. Look, there are 72 pieces of shiny military medals and yellowing battle photos in total..."

On May 19, Xu Qiansheng, a contestant from Jinhua Museum, told the party history story behind a batch of red cultural relics at the final of Jinhua Youth Theory Lecture and Micro Party Class Competition. The audience listened attentively.

This competition is a contest between excellent young propaganda team members, and also a microcosm of the propaganda activities of Jinhua's party history series. Since the party history learning and education was carried out, thousands of propagandists from one hundred propaganda teams in Jinhua City have been active in all parts of the city. They went to work units, schools, enterprises, villages and communities, and told each other affectionately and interactively, transmitting the party's history and innovative theory to the grass-roots level. The land of Bawu presents a vivid situation of learning the party history, understanding ideas, doing practical things and opening up new situations.

down to earth Grand theme speaks Jinhua flavor

The glorious centennial history of the Party, the latest achievement of the localization of Marxism in China, Jinhua's landmark achievement of faithfully implementing the "August 8th Strategy" and striving to create an "important window"... The series of lectures on the history of the Party focus on grand themes. Only by holding high the banner and saying something can we move people's hearts and minds.

In the centennial history of the Party, Jinhua, a hot land, has seen many people, left many historical events, and carved deep red marks on the land of Bawu. All propaganda groups in the city fully tap local resources, revitalize the deep red family background, tell good red stories around, and make the party history written in books alive.

Yiwu has set up 18 propaganda teams with the theme of "the taste of truth", including veteran cadres, model workers, young people, women, teachers, etc. Starting from their own experiences and insights, they told the story of Chen Wangdao's translation of the Communist Manifesto, looked back at the revolutionary process of Yiwu, explained the development experience of Yiwu, and reviewed how the world's small commodity capital was made.

In Yiwu's propaganda team, Zhu Guang, known as the "veteran of the three wars", is a legendary figure. He is 92 years old and joined the underground organization of the Communist Party of China at the age of 13. He has experienced the War of Resistance against Japan, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. He wears an old military uniform and full of military medals. Since 2015, Zhu Guang has carried out more than 110 red propaganda sessions in Yiwu and all over the province. "I just want to do my duty as a veteran to publicize the heroic deeds in the war years, let young people learn the history of the Party, carry forward the spirit of struggle, and let the glorious revolutionary tradition be passed on from generation to generation," Zhu said.

Huang Senyao is a member of the Pujiang "Soldier Propaganda Team". He always wears camouflage clothes to show the most handsome soldier. His experience and enthusiasm as a soldier made his preaching resonate strongly among the audience, especially among retired veterans. "Once we were all soldiers, wearing green uniforms to join the green army camp, shouldering a gun to serve the motherland, and guarding the great rivers and mountains of the motherland..." He also wrote, sang and produced a small video "We Are Veterans" to screen the circle of friends of Pujiang people. In addition to "Brother Bing", there are 7 local propaganda teams, including veteran cadres, Feng'an youth, literature and art, red scarf, ideological and political teachers, media, and women, to carry out special lectures on party history for different groups.

Wuyi County integrated the propaganda of the Party history into the "first lesson of the school year", allowing the post-00s to tell the story of revolutionary resistance to the post-00s and the post-90s to tell the story of reform and development to the post-90s. A hundred years of time, in the memory of the story of resurrection; The great truth becomes rich in the story of flesh and blood.

New publicity with positive energy

The pace of life is changing, the way of information transmission is changing, and what remains unchanged is the power of truth that strikes directly at the heart of the people. In all parts of the city, in addition to the lectures I told you to listen to, the audience has more choices of "menus", various new and lively propaganda methods, which firmly catch the eyes of party members, cadres and the masses.

In the fiery May, the youth in Jinyi New Area preached that "green cavalry" was very popular. During the "May Day" tourist season, Zhang Ziyan, a young propaganda team member, came to Lei Ye's former residence in Xinhouxiang Village, Xiaoshun Town to preach the life story of revolutionary martyr Lei Ye to tourists from all over the world. "He is one of the '100 outstanding war reporters in the world', and also an 'unknown martyr' who has lost contact with his family for more than 60 years..." Photographs, documents and manuscripts record the revolutionary hero's extraordinary years of "writing swords and spears".

The "green cavalry" also moved the party lesson to the field. "We learned that the last few days are the best time for weeding in the Chinese herbal medicine base in the village, and the idea of coming to preach came into being." The preaching team member Fang Xuqiu sent the preaching to the field of Sanlian Village, Lipu Town, and the touching story was told with friendly dialect. "When we are tired from farm work, we can have a rest. We can listen to stories, learn a lot, and be educated." The villager Tang Daoxian listened carefully with a hoe.

From the touching scenes of Half a Quilt, to the strong optimism shown by the "Railway Guerrilla" "playing my beloved pipa", to the just prediction of "Don't look happy now, be careful to pull the list in the future" in Little Soldier Zhang Ga, as well as the reappearance of scenes in classic films such as White Haired Girl, Tunnel War, Immortal Life in the Fire, Shangganling, The sitcom "One Hundred Years of Light and Shadow" arranged by Dongyang City is like a "platter", where classic fragments are staged one after another in an hour, with climaxes. Huang Qiaojin, a freshman at Hengdian Film and Television Vocational and Technical College, is a probationary party member. After watching the play, she was very excited and said that she would keep up with the revolutionary martyrs and step forward when the Party and the people need it. Now, this party history virtual experience project has also gone out of Dongyang and performed in surrounding cities for many times.

With the deepening of Party history learning and education from all walks of life, a number of characteristic propaganda teams, such as the "Eight Wu Red Propaganda Group", the "Wang Dao Propaganda Group", the "Broad Speaking Idioms", the "Run Wu with Voices" and the "Youth Journalists Propaganda Group", came into being at the historic moment. Folk folk art forms, fashionable rap and singing have come into play, and the party history stories have become popular and alive.

In many places, online and offline platforms have also been opened up, and propaganda resources have been uploaded to the Internet. Real time interaction in class and on-demand broadcasting after class have been carried out at any time. There is a propaganda meeting that will never end online. The Yiwu Party History Micro class "The Origin and Evolution of Yiwu Spirit" has involved more than 110000 interactive netizens. Lanxi City launched the "cloud preaching" model for rural foreign party members, and the party branch secretary carried out online party history preaching, which provided a reference for solving the difficulties of learning and organizing the party history of migrant party members.

Vigorous young people strive to be the main force of propaganda

The revolutionary spirit is passed down from generation to generation. The key is to plant red seeds in the hearts of the young generation. On the front line of Jinhua's party history thematic propaganda, many young people are active. Whether on the podium of the mini party lesson contest or among the grass-roots people, the youth power shines brightly, and "young people talk to young people" has become a common practice.

Young media editors and editors form a propaganda group to realize the double empowerment, promotion and promotion of theoretical propaganda and news reporting. In the large-scale financial media interview action of "100 party members and journalists stationed at 100 grass-roots party branches" of Gold News Group, members of the "Green Plum Publicity Group" were both interviewing and preaching. In Xiazhai Village, Shangxi Town, Yiwu City, the reporters did their homework in advance and told the villagers and children about the battle stories of the eighth brigade of Jinxiao Detachment. The names and profiles of revolutionary martyrs and martyrs are hung on the wall of the village's cultural hall, and the reporter proposed to read out their names together. The primary school student Jin Chenyan pointed to the list of revolutionary heroes and said: "Jin Detian is my great grandfather, although I have not seen him, he is the pride of our family." The young reporter Jin Yan said with great feeling that when the preaching ended, the children sat around and refused to leave, they really felt the power of preaching.

Wucheng District gave full play to the strength of 8090 youth to carry out the characteristic propaganda activity of "Run Wu with Sound". The youth theory preaching volunteers use the youth discourse system to learn, spread and practice the party's innovative theory, and gather the power of "after wave" of theoretical preaching handed down from generation to generation. Jinhua Development Zone launched the "Centennial Party History Youth Lecture · Smart Innovation Fund Opens a New Bureau" tour preaching activity, organized excellent youth preachers to go to the grass-roots level to carry out tour preaching, and launched the menu of preaching courses for each grass-roots party organization to order a single preaching.

In order to spread Chinese stories to more international friends, let the world know about China, and understand the inevitable logic and spiritual power behind the Chinese miracle. Jinhua also launched a special series of "China Africa hand in hand" party building centennial series, "Africa" China Young, "inviting a group of international youth to tell and spread Chinese red stories to their countries through the way of" spreading from outside ". At present, this series has been screened in the circle of local foreign friends. With the wings of the Internet, Chinese and foreign youth hand in hand, Jinhua Red Story goes to the world.

From the early spring to the early summer, from the organs to the countryside, thorough lectures and intimate exchanges are not only vivid theoretical guidance, but also the call of the original intention and mission. The majority of Party members, cadres and the masses have expressed that they have benefited a lot from listening to the preaching, and have understood the great significance of carrying out the study and education of Party history from a higher position and a higher level. We will take the opportunity of learning and educating the history of the Party, base ourselves on our own positions, take the initiative to take the lead, take practical actions to promote the high-quality development of Jinhua, and pool the strong joint force of the construction of the leading city.

(Editor in charge: Ai Yutao, Kang Mengqi)

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