The agony of the new webmaster: what content website should be built?

The agony of the new webmaster: what content website should be built?

I have also registered many domain names, some of which have expired without renewal, and some are still idle. In the past, when looking at the domain name registered by myself, I always felt a little upset and impatient because I couldn't figure out what kind of website to use it as. Today, with the rapid development of the Internet, there are websites with all kinds of content, and more than one or two of them are excellent. If you are involved in them, how can you stand out?! Therefore, they are often confused with newly registered domain names. Search Baidu for "what website to do well", and there is no answer in the search results, but more "what website to do well", "what website to do well", "what content to do well" In fact, we all know what website content is good. Of course, it is the type of content that many people need, and there is little or no content on the Internet at present. Everyone knows this, but can such websites do it by themselves now? The answer is ninety-nine percent no
Date: Column: Promotion and optimization Reading: 620
 Introduction to the most common ways of making money on individual independent blog websites

Introduction to the most common ways of making money on individual independent blog websites

Most people who open websites and say they don't want to make money are deceitful. They have invested in domain name server fees and a lot of energy and time. Making money is an affirmation of their own labor and a return. Blog, as a kind of website, is the same. Among various types of websites, blogs are weak in making money. After all, the update program and flow of blogs are lower and less than those of large communities or information sites, but that doesn't mean that blogs can't make money. Here are some common ways to make money with blogs. Advertising Alliance This is the most common way to make money in blogs, but it is also the least profitable way. The blog traffic is low, and companies will not take the initiative to put advertisements in your blog, because your blog cannot create benefits for them. But the advertising alliance is different. No matter how much your traffic, as long as your blog is not illegal and meets the requirements, you can apply to join, and the entry threshold is usually
Date: Column: Promotion and optimization Reading: 351
 Essential for keyword optimization: Baidu and Google online index query tool website

Essential for keyword optimization: Baidu and Google online index query tool website

Choosing the right keywords will help improve the search engine traffic of the blog, and you can also do half the work when optimizing keywords. When doing blog SEO, it is very difficult to select keywords for blog. I don't know how to select keywords, whether the keywords are popular or not, and I don't know whether good keywords are good or not. At this time, I can use Baidu and Google index query tools to analyze the selected keywords. Baidu Index Query Introduction: Baidu Index is a free massive data analysis service based on Baidu web search and Baidu news search, which reflects the "user attention" and "media attention" of different keywords in the past. You can find, share and mine the most valuable information and information on the Internet, and directly and objectively reflect the social hot spots, interests and needs of netizens. Introduction to Google Index Query:
Date: Column: Promotion and optimization Reading: 309
 What website do you want to do? What is a good website?

What website do you want to do? What is a good website?

At present, I have several domain names, five of which have opened a blog, and one of them has been kept. The rest of the plans are thrown away and will not be renewed. I also warn myself not to register in a hurry in the future. The reserved domain name (content), I don't want to leave it vacant, nor do I plan to stop. Because the renewal fee needs to be paid, I consider using it to open a new website. Therefore, I encounter a problem that many webmasters will encounter: what does the new website do? Worries of being a new station: I remember a few years ago when I first created a website, I had many new ideas, and I felt that I could create many unique websites if I could. Now, I have been working as a website for three years. When I planned to build a new website again, I wrote the domain name on the paper and stared at it without any clue. I also stopped doing what I used to do when I wanted to open a new station and searched for "what website to do..."
Date: Column: Promotion and optimization Reading: 294
 How to build a blog into a website that can retain visitors

How to build a blog into a website that can retain visitors

In addition to the high quality and readability of the content of the blog, a blog is also affected by many factors if it wants to retain visitors well. For example, the experts of major websites emphasize that "the user experience of a website is very important". A website cannot leave visitors a good feeling, and it is difficult for visitors to stop. Blogbar expresses its views and feelings on user experience here. Blog opening speed: The speed of opening a blog should be the most influential. It takes 50 or 60 seconds for a blog to open its home page. I believe that there will not be many visitors willing to wait. Unless your blog content is a must read for visitors and cannot be found elsewhere, at least I will not have the patience to wait for it to open completely. For example, when I visit Lu Songsong's blog, I can't open it within one minute each time, and the page is still completely blank. After three or four attempts, I haven't been to his blog
Date: Column: Promotion and optimization Reading: 385
 How to promote blog? A little opinion on blog comment promotion means

How to promote blog? A little opinion on blog comment promotion means

At present, in the domestic independent blogosphere, many bloggers are eager to promote their blogs by means of comments and messages. TA people spend a lot of time shuttling back and forth between multiple blogs every day, and then make comments and messages. These efforts have also played a decisive role. Every article in the blog often has hundreds of comments, which is good for life. But is blogging a success? Blog bar is hard to agree with. There are two types of bloggers: There are two types of bloggers who come out to open their own independent blogs (or other types of websites). One is lonely and boring; The other is to hope that opening a website can bring you some extra income. For the former: This method should not be called blog comment promotion, but blogger interaction. You come here to have a look. I'll go there to have a look
Date: Column: Promotion and optimization Reading: 364
 Necessary for new stations: mainstream Chinese search engine, blog website submission portal

Necessary for new stations: mainstream Chinese search engine, blog website submission portal

Most of the most valuable traffic of blogs comes from search engines. To attract traffic from search engines, blogs need to be included by search engines. After the blog has been built, the content has also been published. In order to let the search engine collect the blog content as soon as possible, we took the initiative to submit the blog to the search engine. The blog bar has sorted out several mainstream free Chinese search engine portals to facilitate new bloggers to quickly submit their blogs to the search engine. Baidu search engine Baidu company's products, the search engine with the largest number of users in China, submit the website portal Google search engine Google Public
Date: Column: Promotion and optimization Reading: 410
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