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More than 70% of 624 A-level scenic spots in Yunnan

08:35, May 23, 2024 | Source: Kunming Daily
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Original title: More than 70% of 624 A-level scenic spots in Yunnan

May 22 is the International Biodiversity Day. Yunnan is the province with the richest biodiversity in China and one of the regions with the richest ecotourism resources in China. According to the data from the Department of Culture and Tourism of Yunnan Province, the number of ecotourism scenic spots accounts for 72% of the 624 A-level scenic spots in the province.

In recent years, Yunnan's cultural and tourism system has adhered to the principle of "high ecological beauty" and "high-quality development", and has successively issued the Opinions on Implementing the New Development Concept to Promote the High Quality Development of Tourism, the Implementation Plan of Cultural Tourism and Health Care Industry in Yunnan Province (2023-2025), and the Several Measures to Accelerate the Development of Ecological Tourism and Forest Health Care Industry, to solidly promote the development of eco-tourism. At present, the scale of Yunnan's eco-tourism is expanding, the system is basically formed, and its position is gradually highlighted.

Relying on the advantage of biodiversity, Yunnan Province has launched a batch of eco-tourism product routes, such as "sighting, bird watching, crane watching, tea tasting, flower tasting, coffee tasting", cultivated a batch of eco-tourism brands, such as Shangri La, Xishuangbanna, Gaoligong Mountain, Dulong River, Meili Snow Mountain, etc., built an eco-tourism area represented by the world natural heritage flowing along three rivers, and built a stone forest scenic spot Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve, Dali Cangshan National Geopark, Zhaotong Dashanbao and Wenshan Puzhehei important wetlands are represented as ecotourism scenic spots.

Yunnan will build a green tourism development pilot area, cultivate and build world-class tourist attractions, resorts and high-quality ecotourism products, and continue to promote the development of ecotourism. The province will select the best counties (cities, districts) with good ecology to explore new paths for green development, take the lead in promoting system and system innovation, implementing green tourism development and construction, improving the green tourism industry system, guiding green tourism consumption and other fields, and cultivate a batch of green tourism benchmarks with Yunnan characteristics; Promote the overall planning of world-class tourist attractions and resorts in Yunnan Province and the planning and construction of the first six cultivation areas, including Lijiang Yulong Snow Mountain Tiger Leaping Gorge, Dali Cangshan Erhai Lake, Kunming Huandian Lake, and build a batch of world-class tourist attractions and resorts with rich cultural heritage relying on world-class eco-tourism resources; Accelerate the construction of Shangri La Scenic Road, Yunnan Sichuan Scenic Road, and Yunnan Guangxi Guangdong Border Sea Scenic Road, develop high-quality ecotourism and forest health care industry, promote the deep integration of biodiversity experience sites and ecotourism project construction, and enhance the attractiveness of ecotourism products.

Yunnan's culture and tourism system will closely focus on the "3815" strategic development goal of the provincial party committee, rely on "good mountains, good water and good scenery", focus on innovation of tourism products, business types, models and service excellence, solidly promote the "six actions" of high-quality tourism development, and promote the development of culture and tourism with higher quality, efficiency, sustainability and security, "There is a kind of life called Yunnan". (Li Sifan)

(Editor in charge: Mu Shengyu, Zhu Hongxia)

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