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They guard the safety on the Cordyceps Mountain with an altitude of 4500 meters

09:01, May 22, 2024|
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Publicity of law popularization in patrol, prevention and control

Troubleshooting and dispute resolution of hidden dangers


At the Cordyceps Hill with an altitude of 4500 meters

Diqing Shangri La police continued

Play a series of "combination boxing" of "cordyceps policing"

Safe and orderly excavation of escort cordyceps


Hiking patrol is a "required course" for the auxiliary police of mountain police

The patrol route is 4500-5000 meters above sea level

On the extremely high altitude Cordyceps Hill

Thin air, cold climate

It can be described as "difficult"

All auxiliary police since entering the mountain

Make every effort to overcome the discomfort of high cold and hypoxia


The daily patrol distance is up to 7-8 kilometers

"Accompanying" to protect the masses safe mining

High altitude Cordyceps Hill


The plateau scenery has infinite charm

But risk and beauty go hand in hand

To eliminate various potential safety hazards to the maximum extent

The auxiliary police of the police on duty carry out daily troubleshooting and rectification of hidden dangers

Put up warning belts on the high mountains and snowfields

Guide the people on the mountain to excavate safely and orderly



Auxiliary police of duty point

Through "Huotang Club" and "Caoba Club"

And the masses on the mountain "pull home"


Carry out traffic safety in every household

Legal publicity work such as prevention of telecommunication fraud

Understand the situation of each household

Timely provision of medical care

Assistance services in transportation and travel

Lack of oxygen and spirit

Higher altitude, higher fighting spirit

A whole cordyceps season

We will accompany

The first line of collecting cordyceps

Fully protect the safety of people's lives and property

Source: "Shangri La Police" WeChat official account

(Editor in charge: Mu Shengyu, Xu Qian)

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