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The "Manhang National Highway · 219" team visited Wenshan

May 22, 2024 08:25 | Source: Yunnan Daily
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Recently, Meng Man, a famous cultural scholar and professor of the Central University for Nationalities, led the special activity of "Road China" border trip 2024 - "Man Road 219", which passes through Xichou County, Maguan County and Funing County of Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, and goes deep into villages, museums and other places along the 219 National Road for visiting, interviewing, investigation and exchange.

Meng Man and his party successively visited Dongsheng Village, Xingjie Town, Xichou County, Xichou Spirit Exhibition Hall, and Maguan County Ethnic Clothing Industry Pioneering Park. In Dongsheng Village, learn about and learn about the inheritance of local intangible cultural heritage Xichou Paohua Embroidery, experience the production of Zhuang's Xiangmi Baba, and visit Dongsheng Supply and Marketing Cooperative and Dongsheng Commune Happiness. In Xichou Spirit Exhibition Hall, I watched the documentary of Xichou Spirit. Monman said that all good things come from struggle. As long as people of all ethnic groups unite to work together, they can get a better life and happiness.

In the Maguan Ethnic Costume Industry Pioneering Park, Meng Man and his party experienced the unique folk customs of Maguan and the colorful and profound national culture of Maguan. "In the National Costume Industrial Park, different cultural elements of different ethnic groups exchange and collide here to generate new elements, new inspiration and new concepts, so as to move to a larger stage and win more people's attention." After understanding the creative transformation of ethnic cultures in border areas, innovative development and the development of cultural industries to promote the mutual development of people of all ethnic groups, Monman said so. During their stay in Wenshan Prefecture, Meng Man and his delegation also visited Maguan Section of National Highway 219, and learned the history of Yunnan Vietnam Railway Section 419 and the story behind it in detail. (Huang Peng)

(Editor in charge: Xu Qian, Zhu Hongxia)

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