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In the first four months, the output of photovoltaic cells in Yunnan Province increased 3.71 times year-on-year

May 22, 2024 08:55 | Source: Kunming Daily
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On May 21, the reporter learned from the Yunnan Provincial Bureau of Statistics that since this year, the province's industrial production has picked up and improved, and the development toughness has been constantly enhanced. From January to April, the province's industrial export delivery value increased 18.1% year on year, 4.4 percentage points higher than that from January to March, 7.2 percentage points higher than that of the same period last year. Among them, the electronics industry has made outstanding contributions. The export delivery value increased by 18.7% year on year, 6.2 percentage points faster than that from January to March, and its contribution to the growth of the provincial industrial export delivery value reached 78%.

The three major categories of the province recovered in an all-round way. Driven by the power industry, from January to April, the added value of the power, heat, gas and water production and supply industries increased by 13.9% year on year, with an obvious recovery, and the growth rate rose by 6.2 percentage points compared with January to March; The added value of the mining industry increased by 2.9% year-on-year, up 1.6 percentage points; The added value of manufacturing industry increased by 5.4% year on year, up 0.1 percentage points.

From January to April, among the 40 major industries in the province, the growth rate of added value of 24 industries was faster or narrower than that from January to March, with a recovery rate of 60%; Among the 16 states and cities, the growth rate of industrial added value above designated size in 13 states and cities is faster or narrower than that from January to March, with a recovery rate of 81.3%.

New quality productivity leads transformation and upgrading. From January to April, the added value of high-tech manufacturing industry in the province increased by 22.1% year on year, 15.5 percentage points higher than all industries above designated size, and 2 percentage points faster than that from January to March; The added value of the equipment manufacturing industry increased by 23.7% year on year, 17.1 percentage points higher than that of all industries above designated size, and 2 percentage points faster than that from January to March. Among them, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry, computer communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing industry continued to grow rapidly, with year-on-year growth of 32.4% and 26.5% respectively.

Green products help green development. From January to April, the province's new energy power generation grew rapidly, with industrial wind power generation above designated size growing by 62.2% year on year, and solar power generation growing by 149.4% year on year; The production of green energy products and green materials grew rapidly, promoting the green development of industry. The output of photovoltaic cells increased 3.71 times year-on-year, and the output of monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon increased 26.1% and 19.1% respectively year-on-year. (Wang Lin)

(Editor in charge: Xu Qian, Zhu Hongxia)

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