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Visiting the Xihoudu Site: Ignite the first civilization fire in China

08:37, May 22, 2024 | Source: China News Network
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On the bank of the Yellow River, the Xihoudu Site, about 2.43 million years ago, is one of the earliest known Paleolithic cultural sites in China, preserving the earliest evidence of human fire use in China. "The use of fire represents that human beings are saying goodbye to barbarism and drinking blood, and slowly moving towards civilization." Zhang Wen, director of the Xihoudu Site Cultural Relics Protection Institute, told reporters on the 21st.

Overseas Chinese media representatives from the United States, France, Canada, Sweden, Italy, Portugal and other countries and regions visited the Xihoudu site. Photographed by Wu Junjie

On the same day, the "Walking Hedong · Cultural Relics Protection in Yuncheng" activity of overseas Chinese media was held in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province. Representatives of overseas Chinese media from the United States, France, Canada, Sweden, Italy, Portugal and other countries and regions visited the Xihoudu site.

Xihoudu Site is located in Ruicheng County, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province. It was discovered by archaeologists in 1959, and the kindling of civilization has been shining ever since.

In 1961, 1962 and 2005, Xihoudu Site was excavated three times successively, and a large number of ancient vertebrate fossils and stone products were unearthed.

Qian Fang, a professor of the Institute of Geology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and others used the paleomagnetic method to determine the absolute age of the Xihoudu site to about 1.8 million years ago. In 2020, the French Anthropology magazine published the latest dating data of the Xihoudu site as about 2.43 million years ago, pushing the site forward more than 600000 years.

In 2020, French Anthropology magazine published the latest dating data of the Xihoudu site as 2.43 million years ago. Photographed by Wu Junjie

Zhang Wen introduced that some black gray and gray green fossils were found in the cultural layer of Xihoudu Site, most of which were ribs, antlers and horse teeth of mammals. Research and measurement show that these fossils of different colors are burned bones.

Yang Zhihong, deputy editor in chief of Dubai News Network, walked into the Xihoudu Site and said, "Human beings use fire to enable them to eat cooked food, strengthen their physique, improve their defense ability, and move human civilization to a new stage."

"Ever since I was young, I have been curious about where our human beings come from." Yin Cuijian, deputy editor in chief of Portuguese New International Culture Media, said that history and culture have given soul to the beautiful scenery here, which has ignited the first civilization fire in China.

About 3 million to 10000 years ago, it is called the Paleolithic Age. In this period, human beings lived a non settled life, engaged in fishing, hunting and gathering, using stone tools as their main tools. Photographed by Wu Junjie

About 3 million to 10000 years ago, it is called the Paleolithic Age. In this period, human beings lived a non settled life, engaged in fishing, hunting and gathering, using stone tools as their main tools.

The most representative artifacts of the Xihoudu site are three edged big pointed implements. It can be used to dig root plants like a hoe, and it can also be used to dismember animals like a dagger. This is an essential tool for early human beings to obtain food. It allows modern people to have a glimpse of the long and arduous collection life of human ancestors.

Zhang Wen told the reporter that the stone flakes of the Paleolithic Age were created by Xihoudu people. Through the development of Kehe people, people in Dingcun formed a "big stone tool tradition", which is one of the two traditions of the Paleolithic culture in North China.

"To scientifically and effectively carry out the protection, management and utilization of Xihoudu Site is conducive to giving full play to the social benefits of important local historical and cultural resources, enhancing the regional cultural influence, promoting development with culture and protecting culture with development," said Zhang Wen.

Archaeologists have successively discovered Paleolithic cultural sites in Shanxi, proving that human beings have been thriving in this land for more than 2 million years. Shanxi plays an important role in exploring the origin of human civilization.

"All Chinese people at home and abroad know where their roots lie. To inherit and promote Chinese civilization, we need to learn more about our history and culture, and tell the world a good story about China." Yin Cuijian said.

The event was guided by the Publicity Department of the CPC Yuncheng Municipal Committee, hosted by Yuncheng Returned Overseas Chinese Federation, Yuncheng Cultural Relics Protection Center, and undertaken by China News Service International Communications Group Shanxi Branch. (Li Tingyao and Gao Ruifeng)

(Editor in charge: Mu Shengyu, Zhu Hongxia)

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