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Wang Ning stressed at the Yunnan Provincial Inspection Work Conference

Earnestly study and implement the newly revised regulations on inspection work to promote the high-quality development of inspection work in the province in depth

May 16, 2024 08:23 | Source: Yunnan Daily
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On May 15, the inspection and patrol work conference of Yunnan Province was held in Kunming to thoroughly study and implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on inspection work, carefully study the newly revised regulations on inspection work and the spirit of the national inspection work conference, combine the learning and education of party discipline, and deeply promote the high-quality development of inspection and patrol work throughout the province, Provide a strong guarantee for the practice of Chinese style modernization in Yunnan.

Wang Ning, secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Feng Zhili, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and leader of the Provincial Party Committee's inspection leading group, presided over the meeting.

Wang Ning pointed out that the inspection tour is a strategic institutional arrangement to promote the Party's self revolution and comprehensively govern the Party strictly. We need to deeply study and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on inspection work, adhere to the position, viewpoint and method that run through it, deeply grasp the political orientation, responsibility, mission, value orientation and method path of inspection and inspection, and ensure that the inspection and inspection work of the province is always moving in the right direction.

Wang Ning stressed that in recent years, the provincial party committee has thoroughly studied and implemented the important thought of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the Party's self revolution, comprehensively implemented the policy of inspection work, earnestly implemented the requirements of political inspection, took inspection inspection as the key point to promote comprehensive and strict governance of the Party and deepen the construction of clean Yunnan, insisted on finding problems and implementing rectification, and made political supervision more effective, Ensure more effective development, more smooth supervision and coordination, more solid rectification results, more competent inspection team, and constantly make new progress and breakthroughs in the provincial inspection work.

Wang Ning stressed that it is necessary to take the opportunity of studying and implementing the regulations on patrol work, firmly promote the patrol work to expand to a deeper, specialized and downward direction, and make greater efforts in ensuring the implementation of work, promoting reform and development, and purifying the political ecology. We should focus on the "two maintenance", focus on the "four implementation", focus on the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions and the implementation of the decisions and deployment of the Central Committee of the Party to carry out political supervision, timely identify and resolutely rectify the "seven haves", and promote the provincial party organizations at all levels and the party cadres to always reflect the "two maintenance" in practical actions. We should focus on the construction of political ecology, enhance the effectiveness of supervision over "top leaders", highlight higher standards and stricter requirements, and urge them to be strict with themselves, take their responsibilities and exercise strict control over their jurisdiction. We should adhere to the principle of thorough coordination and common answers to the same question, combine patrol supervision with discipline inspection, supervision, organization, audit, statistics and other supervision, pay attention to the combination with mass supervision, and better play the role of comprehensive patrol supervision. We should pay close attention to the work of patrol inspection, strengthen the linkage of patrol inspection from top to bottom around the "four focuses", and promote the solution of corruption and unhealthy tendencies in rural revitalization, grass-roots governance, education and medical care, pension and social security and other fields. It is necessary to strengthen the application of inspection and patrol results, take rectification as an important work method, compact the main responsibility of rectification and daily supervision responsibility, project, list and specify the rectification of problems, and see the truth and seek practical results in the implementation of rectification.

Wang Ning requested that the patrol should give full play to its role in treating both the symptoms and the root causes, unify the discovery and solution of problems, and do a good job in "the whole article" of patrol inspection; Unify the formation of deterrence and the promotion of development, and ensure high-quality development with high-quality supervision; Unify strict supervision and incentive responsibility, eliminate evil spirits, promote righteousness, and constantly improve the quality and effect of patrol inspection and supervision. The inspection and patrol agencies at all levels should carry out in-depth education on Party discipline, strengthen their own construction, strictly observe the discipline style, strictly manage the team, improve their professional quality, create model agencies, and constantly improve the standardization level of inspection and patrol work.

Liu Fei, Yang Bin, Han Mei, Sun Can and Zhang Rongming attended. The meeting was held at prefectures (cities) in the form of video, with the participation of members of the provincial party committee's leading group for inspection work, the leader and deputy leader of the provincial party committee's inspection group, and the leading comrades of provincial departments and units' party committees (party groups) and prefectures (cities) 'party committees.

The meeting also provided training on learning and implementing the patrol work regulations. (Zuo Chao Yang Meng)

(Editor in charge: Xu Qian, Zhu Hongxia)

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