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Kunming Food Safety Office issued an early warning for the prevention and control of wild bacteria poisoning

May 14, 2024 08:23 | Source: Yunnan Daily
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Recently, the Food Safety Office of Kunming Municipal People's Government issued a 2024 wild bacteria poisoning prevention and control warning to further popularize the knowledge of wild bacteria poisoning prevention and control.

The general public should not pick, sell, buy or eat wild mushrooms that they are not familiar with, especially those with bright colors, mildew or difficult to recognize when young. When purchasing wild mushrooms, they should go to the farmers' market or professional trading (wholesale) market with formal qualifications, and should not buy them on the street.

When cooking and processing wild mushrooms, do not eat them in cold sauce, do not mix many varieties for processing, fry and cook them thoroughly during processing, do not use microwave ovens for secondary heating of wild mushrooms, and do not drink alcohol when eating wild mushrooms.

School canteens (including kindergartens), unit canteens, construction site canteens, catering units in tourist attractions, canteens of elderly care institutions, hospital canteens, rural collective dinners, weddings and funerals, meetings and other group dinners. It is strictly prohibited to process, manufacture and sell wild fungi to prevent group poisoning events. Catering business units should strictly implement the main responsibility of food safety, control the purchase of wild bacteria, establish and improve the emergency plan and disposal process for wild bacteria poisoning.

In case of nausea, vomiting and other suspected food poisoning reactions after eating wild mushrooms, a simple way should be taken immediately to induce vomiting, and 120 emergency call should be made in time for help. If the masses find that food production and business units have food safety problems, they can call 12315 for complaints and reports. (Wang Qiongmei)

(Editor in charge: Xu Qian, Zhu Hongxia)

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