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Netizens suggest building Kunming, Yunnan, a "national province with great computing power": building a central city of intelligent computing power

08:34, May 14, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online - Yunnan Channel
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Kunming,, May 14 (reporter Xu Qian): "Yunnan and Kunming cannot rely solely on the cultural and tourism industry, and they hope to win more support from the state to build a powerful province of computing." Recently, netizens left a message to Wang Yubo, governor of Yunnan Province, through the "leadership message board" of, suggesting that Kunming be built into a "national computing center city".

The netizen said that Yunnan is rich in power resources and the country has a policy of "counting from the east to the west". It is suggested to build Yunnan into a province with strong computing power. The Kunming Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and the Kunming Development and Reform Commission will jointly discuss and handle the matter after receiving the message.

 Screenshots of messages and replies on the "Leaders Message Board" of People's Daily Online.

Screenshots of messages and replies on the "Leaders Message Board" of People's Daily Online.

According to the verification of Kunming Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, the state has completed the planning and layout of eight national hub nodes of the national integrated computing network. Under the leadership of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and the Yunnan Provincial People's Government, Kunming actively integrated into the strategy of "calculating data from the east to the west", combined with the local resource endowment and industrial advantages, constantly consolidated the construction of information infrastructure, increased financial support, strengthened external and internal training, and accelerated the construction of the city's computing infrastructure guided by application needs in accordance with the principle of "government guidance and enterprise investment", Actively develop the application of artificial intelligence industry, and build an intelligent computing hub city for South Asia and Southeast Asia.

The message replied that Kunming is accelerating the construction of communication infrastructure and 5G base station. By the end of 2023, there will be 31551 5G base stations in Kunming (including macro stations, micro stations, sub stations, etc.), realizing the full coverage of the 5G network in the main urban areas of Kunming, the main areas of each county and important industrial parks. Build a dedicated Internet data channel to improve the quality of Internet use by export-oriented enterprises; Build national level Internet backbone direct connection points, and improve the domestic network status of Yunnan Province and Kunming City; Build an Internet domain name root mirror server node, upgrade the International Communications Business Import and Export Bureau, and optimize the international network layout facing South Asia and Southeast Asia.

At the same time, Kunming actively promotes the coordinated development of computing infrastructure. Build an AI computing center, and "Kunming AI Computing Center" was founded. After the completion of the project, the supply capacity of high-quality AI computing resources will be improved. Build a data center cluster, and build 12 data centers, including Unicom Yunnan Data Center and Provincial Government Cloud Data Center, with 27584 racks in total. Five data centers are under construction, including cloud on cloud, Yunnan Provincial Informatization Center (Phase I), and the judicial intelligent all-in-one machine platform R&D data center, with 21800 total frames.

Kunming Development and Reform Commission said in its reply that it would strive to be included in the national computing hub node and national data center cluster city. According to the requirements of building a collaborative innovation system for the national integrated computing network, promote the construction of the Kunming integrated computing network, build a high-quality computing network from the aspects of overall planning and optimizing the layout of computing facilities, building a data storage system, improving the enabling application level of computing network, and actively integrate into the national layout of "East Data West Computing".

(Editor in charge: Mu Shengyu, Zhu Hongxia)

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