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Jinlong Community in Shangri la City, Yunnan Province, Building a Harmonious Living Environment——

Neighbours live in harmony and harmony (to forge a strong Chinese family in the community)

Our reporter Zhang Chi
June 12, 2024 08:21 | Source: People's Daily
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The sky is blue and the sun shines on the ancient city of Dukezong. The traditional dwellings with loess walls and wooden shingles are interspersed with characteristic tile houses with cornices and upturned corners. Walking in the ancient city, you can always feel the communication, exchange and integration of ethnic groups.

Jinlong Community, Jiantang Town, Shangri la City, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province is located in Dukezong Ancient City. Among the 988 permanent residents, there are 7 ethnic groups, including Han, Tibetan, Naxi, Yi and Bai. Yang Yongxing, director of the neighborhood committee of Jinlong Community, said that in history, this was an important town on the ancient tea and horse road. With the passing of time and the sound of horse bells, people from all over the world meet here, and different customs and cultural traditions exchange and blend here.

In Jinlong Community, multi-ethnic families account for 75%. Ye Dexiang, a 97 year old Han, has a family of four generations, and there are four ethnic groups in 26 people. Ye Yongzhen, the granddaughter of Ye Dexiang, said that the family lived together in harmony.

"For example, in terms of diet, although my grandfather is a Han nationality, he is also used to eating highland barley fried noodles for breakfast with a bowl of buttered tea with milk residue." Ye Yongzhen said that he also eats fried vegetables, steamed buns at home, and sometimes goes to restaurants to taste Sichuan cuisine. "Harmony in life requires mutual respect and tolerance," said Ye Yongzhen. When people get together, their tastes gradually become more similar.

Not only life, but also the long-term spatial agglomeration has promoted exchanges between different ethnic groups in the community, and also made the cultures of various ethnic groups more blended.

It is the tradition of Jinlong Community for residents to celebrate traditional festivals and dance folk dances together. Every time there are some traditional festivals of ethnic minorities, the Moonlight Square in the ancient city is very lively. Under the organization of the community, the wonderful performances of the lion dance team and the ethnic dance teams are performed in turn. "Let's play the torch and dance the Guozhuang dance together," Yang Yongxing said.

In Jiantang Town, every Tibetan girl has a "dress" for important occasions, embroidered with Bai, Lisu and other special patterns. "This is the clothing culture fusion spontaneously generated in the long-term national exchanges," Yang Yongxing said.

In recent years, the ancient city of Dukezong has become more and more popular with tourists, attracting people from all over the country to settle down in Jinlong Community. Yang Yongxing, who has worked in the community for more than three years with a large number of people and complicated situations, feels that his work is both easy to do and challenging. "We start from solving the troubles around the masses, build a harmonious living environment, and promote the integration of residents of all ethnic groups," Yang Yongxing said.

The development of the ancient city has attracted five peaches from Heqing County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture. A few years ago, she opened a small shop for ethnic clothing. The shop is located at a crossroad with a good location. However, the garbage can at the fixed point at the door made her a little worried. "Not only do tourists throw garbage, but also the shops around dump garbage here for convenience, which greatly affects business."

After learning about Wang Wutao's problem, Cai Hongfen, a grid member of Jinlong Community, together with Yang Yongxing, first negotiated with the Dukezong Ancient City Management Committee to move the trash can at the entrance from the store to the corner of the street, which is convenient for tourists and does not affect businesses. The community also visited the nearby shops to understand their needs and coordinate the garbage trucks to clear the garbage regularly and fixedly. "Now the door is clean and the mood of doing business is' fresh '!" Wang Wutao said.

Yang Yongxing introduced that Jinlong Community, led by the party building, has established a team of grid members composed of party members, owners, volunteers, etc., and has clearly defined the responsibilities of grid members to maintain national unity and resolve conflicts and disputes. Visiting households, holding residents' meetings... By mastering information and understanding the interests of the masses, problems in the community can be found and solved early, people get along as one family, and the tourism development of the ancient city has entered the "fast lane".

It was getting late, the ancient city was lit by warm lights, and the "dance gala" on Sifang Street opened. With melodious music playing and drumming at their feet, tourists join the dance circle with local residents. The circle of dance grows larger and larger, and the happy atmosphere ripples in the ancient city for a long time

People's Daily (the 6th edition on June 12, 2024)

(Editor in charge: Xu Qian, Zhu Hongwei)

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