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Zhaotong, Yunnan Province Accelerates the Creation of Hundred Billion Level Plateau Characteristic Agriculture

June 9, 2024 08:59 | Source: People's Daily Online - Yunnan Channel
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Zhaotong,, June 9 (Reporter Mu Shengyu) In recent years, Zhaotong, Yunnan Province, has been accelerating the pace of "industry, city and people" integration development, and the development of plateau featured agriculture and other industries has achieved remarkable results. This year, Zhaotong City has made great efforts to build a hundred billion level plateau featured agriculture, making agricultural products such as apples, Qiongzhu, potatoes, pepper, gastrodia elata bigger and stronger, and benefiting more people.

The 100000 mu standardized dwarf rootstock close planting apple orchard with the largest single area in China, the 40000 ton national largest CA storage for apple fresh-keeping, the 1000 ton national largest CA test storage for apple fresh-keeping, the 20 ton national most advanced intelligent apple sorting line, 56 production processes, and 5A quality standards entered the 100000 mu apple industrial base located in Zhaoyang District, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, One by one, the "national first" makes the fruit farmers here feel proud and proud. It is reported that apple is one of the important agricultural products in Zhaotong. At present, the planting scale has reached 850000 mu, and the output value has jumped to 10 billion yuan, driving nearly 460000 farmers to increase their income and become rich.

Apple industry is the epitome of the vigorous development of Zhaotong's primary industry. According to reports, in the first quarter of this year, the total output value of the local agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery services reached 5.674 billion yuan, up 2.9% year on year; grain and oil production, industry cultivation, market entity cultivation, agricultural investment and science and technology popularization went hand in hand. By the end of May, the grain planting has exceeded 7.34 million mu, the oil crop planting has completed more than 94% of the tasks assigned by the provincial level, and the coverage rate of improved varieties of major grain and oil crops has reached more than 97%; the six plateau characteristic agricultural industries, including apple, bamboo, potato, gastrodia elata, Chinese prickly ash, and characteristic breeding, have enjoyed good development momentum, and 172 primary industrial projects were started in the first four months, The investment was 1.238 billion yuan; the city's investment in agricultural fixed assets was 3.495 billion yuan, up 8.4% year on year. In addition, since this year, Zhaotong has added 41 agricultural related enterprises, and the number of agricultural related enterprises in the city has reached 6002, including 321 agricultural leading enterprises above the municipal level.

The foothold of "production" articles lies in people. When vigorously developing the plateau characteristic agricultural industry, Zhaotong City has always emphasized "taking measures according to households and people, and implementing measures precisely", and insisted on taking multiple measures simultaneously to ensure that income increase is practical and effective. In particular, in terms of fostering industries to promote income growth, the local government focuses on the high-quality development of six plateau characteristic industries, closely links the base, processing, brand and market, constantly supplements, extends and strengthens the industrial chain, and cultivates and expands "one county, one industry" and "one village, one product". In the first quarter of this year, the per capita production and operating income of the poverty alleviation households and the "three types of target" (the poverty alleviation unstable households, the marginal vulnerable households, and the households with sudden serious difficulties) reached 845.12 yuan, an increase of 13.92% year on year. The per capita net income of the city's poverty free households and "three types of objects" was 4851.58 yuan, up 18.57% year on year, and the growth rate remained at the forefront of Yunnan.

Next, Zhaotong City will do a solid job in "production" in the agricultural and rural areas, continue to make efforts in grain and oil production, cultivation of market players, brand building of agricultural special products, agricultural investment and other aspects, and strive to achieve a 6% increase in gross agricultural output value and a breakthrough of 150 billion yuan in comprehensive output value this year.

(Editor in charge: Mu Shengyu, Zhu Hongxia)

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