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People's Daily Online Releases the 2023 Content Science and Technology Development Report in "Lingjing"

Ren Zhiyuan and Ren Zhiyan, researchers of People's Daily Online Research Institute, make their debut

April 8, 2024 16:13 | Source: People's Network Research Institute
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, April 8 Today, the 2023 Content Science and Technology Development Report (hereinafter referred to as the "Report") organized by People's Daily Online Research Institute was officially released. This is the fifth annual report on science and technology prepared by the People's Daily Online Research Institute, and also the first appearance of Ren Zhiyuan and Ren Zhiyan, digital researchers of the People's Daily Online Research Institute. Two digital researchers showed the main contents of the Report in the "Spirit Realm Publishing Hall" of People's Daily Online.

The Report pointed out that in 2023, content technology led by general AI will usher in a leap forward development. Content technology will continue to promote the empowerment of publicity and ideological work with digitalization, promote the in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's cultural ideas, and also continue to promote new applications, new formats and new services in the industry, and promote the transformation and upgrading of thousands of industries to digital intelligence, We will help build a digital China and modernize the national governance system and capacity. At the same time, it is also facing problems and challenges such as content copyright risk and information security risk. The report combs 18 typical cases of content technology in news media, industry applications, social management and public services in 2023, and looks forward to the development of content technology.

Content technology promotes high-quality development of content industry

The Report points out that 2023 will be the tenth anniversary of the important instruction of General Secretary Xi Jinping to "accelerate the integrated development of traditional media and emerging media". Content technology has injected a strong impetus into the integrated development of media. The big language model will transform the infrastructure of the content industry, the platform upgrade will promote the development of new quality productivity of the content industry, and the innovation of application paradigm will hasten the birth of new forms, new models and new experiences of content. The content industry further realizes that the continuous improvement of public opinion influence and market competitiveness are the main criteria for testing all "new technologies", "new platforms" and "new models".

In 2023, mainstream media will actively embrace the big language model, create a full range of AI content products and services, improve content supply and public opinion guidance, build a big media model, enhance intelligent competitiveness, and redefine content infrastructure. People's Daily has actively built a "mainstream value corpus" to significantly improve the security of the big model. Generative AI enables the upgrading of content creation, risk control, distribution and operation platforms in an all-round way, and promotes the development of the content industry to form new quality productivity. The generative AI enabled content creation platform realizes auxiliary writing, multimedia content generation, digital person broadcasting, etc., and promotes cost reduction and efficiency increase in content production. Mainstream media build an intelligent proofreading platform and AI generated content detection tool to promote AIGC security governance. Mainstream media use mainstream value orientation to control the algorithm and help more high-quality content to be pushed accurately. Empowering operation services with high standards, high quality and high security relying on digital technology. The application of virtual digital human, virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR), metauniverse and other technologies in media business and products has become more mature and diversified, reshaping production processes and expanding industrial boundaries. The first metacosmic venue of the online Spring Festival Gala, the artificial intelligence evening party, etc., bring the audience a unique audio-visual experience with both artistry and a sense of technology.

Content technology helps thousands of people and hundreds of industries to transform into digital intelligence

According to the Report, in 2023, content technology will continue to lead the digital and intelligent transformation of cultural tourism, finance, health care, education, public services and other industries.

In 2023, content technology will enable the development of digital entertainment industry, and AI big models will be widely used in film, television, animation, online games, cultural and tourism services and other fields to accelerate the unlocking of new cultural consumption scenarios, and help the cultural and tourism industry recover and innovate. Content technology promotes the innovation of business model in the banking and financial industry, improves the efficiency of operation and service, and realizes the intelligence, personalization and customization of banking and financial services. All major medical institutions and enterprises promote the application of content science and technology, and create a full process smart medical ecosystem covering pre diagnosis, during diagnosis and post diagnosis, including new drug research and development, health consulting, medical imaging, auxiliary diagnosis, rehabilitation management and other application scenarios. The education industry uses content technology to build an intelligent education environment supported by virtual reality integration and cross platform support, release multiple education specific large models, realize efficient and personalized education methods, and help reduce the burden and increase efficiency of teaching work and improve teaching quality. In 2023, content technology will further promote the intellectualization, refinement and socialization of social management and public services, enable the digital and intelligent upgrading of smart government, smart city construction, smart social services, smart village construction and other fields, and meet the growing service needs of the public.

Content technology will comprehensively enable the development of new quality productivity

The Report believes that generative AI will lead the content technology revolution. AIGC has become the "infrastructure" for content production, which has promoted new applications and services in the content industry; Generation is dissemination, and model is service. AIGC's impact on "social redistribution" will become increasingly apparent; The popularization of AIGC will intensify the generalization trend of human-computer interaction, promote the formation of positive feedback "flywheel effect" among data, models and businesses, and enable more application scenarios and business models.

Content technology applications will enter the vertical "smart lane". Building more professional and applicable vertical and exclusive small models with the help of general large models has become an important direction of industrial application. Content technology will be used as a productivity tool to enable the digital transformation of thousands of industries and promote the deep integration and development of the digital economy and the real economy.

Content science and technology governance tends to be "inclusive and prudent". China attaches equal importance to development and security, encourages the innovative development of generative AI, and implements inclusive, prudent and classified management. Measures such as improving the data resource system, promoting the construction of industry common data resource database, and establishing official large model evaluation standards and evaluation platforms will also effectively boost the coordinated development of large model capabilities and security.

Content technology continues to empower "cultural prosperity". It will promote the better use of the Party's innovative theory to arm the whole Party and educate the people, stimulate the vitality of cultural innovation and creativity of the whole nation, and prevent and defuse ideological risks. It will also promote the construction of international communication capacity, improve the cultural proximity, adaptability and accuracy of international communication, and enhance the influence of the communication power of Chinese civilization. (Feng Wenlu)

Related reading:

2023 Content Science and Technology Development Report (short version)

Full text e-book of 2023 Content Technology Development Report

(Editor in charge: Wang Yuanyuan, Tang Shenghong)

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