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Huizhou Bridge in Lang County, Linzhi City is expected to be closed in July

May 22, 2024 11:08 | Source: China Tibet News Network
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The reporter learned from the construction site of the Huizhou Bridge Construction Project in Lang County, Linzhi City, Tibet Autonomous Region that the construction progress of the Huizhou Bridge in Lang County, aided by Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, has reached 78%, and it is expected that the bridge will be closed in July this year.

The construction project of Huizhou Bridge in Lang County is located in the middle of the planning area of Lang County. It is an important node for the development of "one city and four areas" in Lang County, connecting Jiangnan New Town and Guangming New District, spanning the Yarlung Zangbo River, with a total length of more than 500 meters. After completion, it will be conducive to the follow-up development and construction of Jiangnan New Town, the overall planning and development of Guangming New District and Jiangnan New Town, further improving the travel conditions of the masses, improving the overall image of the county, and driving the development of the county industry.

The project was assisted by the working group of Lang County (Huizhou) of the tenth batch of Guangdong Province's Tibet Assistance Task Force, with a total investment of 65 million yuan, and was undertaken by the Second Engineering Co., Ltd. of CCCC First Highway Engineering Co., Ltd.

In order to further strengthen technical and intellectual assistance to Tibet, Huizhou Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau and Guangdong Planning Institute (Guangzhou) Construction Technology Co., Ltd. sent experts to Linzhi Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau and Langxian Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau to conduct in-depth exchanges on party building integration, engineering construction management, engineering construction quality and safety management, and provide on-site guidance for construction projects such as Huizhou Bridge in Langxian County, Promote the improvement of the professional ability and overall quality of the talent team in the field of housing construction in Langxian County. (Xie Xiaochun, Wang Shan)

(Editor in charge: Dan Zengzhuo, Wu Yuren)

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