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In 2024, the "Heart to Heart, Beijing Tibet" tourist train will be launched in Beijing

May 20, 2024 09:21 | Source: China News Network
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Under the guidance of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, China Railway Group, the 2024 "Heart to Heart, Beijing Tibet" tourism special train, organized by the Beijing Tibet Assistance Headquarters, the People's Government of Chengguan District, Lhasa City and other units, will start at Beijing West Railway Station.

The "Heart to Heart, Beijing Tibet" tourist train is divided into two sections. The first section, from Beijing West to Xining, is the exclusive carriage of the ordinary train (T175); The second section, from Xining to Lhasa, is an exclusive plateau oxygen supply tourist train. The special train is equipped with plateau adaptive medical support personnel throughout the journey, and the hotel is equipped with diffusion oxygen supply equipment. On the way, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, and visit five national 5A tourist attractions, including the Ta'er Temple, Qinghai Lake, Potala Palace, and Basongcuo.

At the departure ceremony, large Tibetan dance performances welcomed tourists. Photographed by reporter Jia Tianyong

According to the person in charge of the Passenger Transport Department of China Railway Group, at present, traveling to Tibet by train is in the form of "map train+special tourism train". Tourists take ordinary passenger trains to Xining and then transfer to the special plateau oxygen supply train to travel to Tibet. Due to its unique cultural tourism resources along the way, the special train to Tibet is gradually becoming a railway tourism product with broad market prospects. The State Railway Group will, according to the market demand, increase the preferential guarantee of transport capacity, help the development of tourism in Tibet, and contribute railway power to promote ethnic exchanges and exchanges and enrich the people and Tibet.

The head of the Department of Resource Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism said that the "Heart to Heart, Beijing Tibet" tourist train was launched, opening the prelude to "2024 National Railway Tourism Aid Xinjiang and Tibet". In the next step, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the State Railway Group will organize a series of promotional activities for railway tourism to help Xinjiang and Tibet, vigorously promoting the beauty of natural scenery, history and humanity, and ethnic customs in Xinjiang and Tibet. We will promote the development of the western region by opening tourism to the outside world, accelerate the development of tourism and other service industries into regional pillar industries, further strengthen the awareness of the Chinese national community through the development of tourism, and better demonstrate the new look and new atmosphere of openness and confidence in Xinjiang and Tibet.

Tourists took photos on the platform. Photographed by reporter Jia Tianyong

Yan Lei, the deputy general manager of China Railway Travel Group Tourism Special Train Branch, introduced that, in order to alleviate and respond to the sudden altitude reaction on the way, the head of Beijing Plateau Adaptation Research and Rehabilitation Center was specially invited to give professional knowledge lectures and emergency response training to the staff of the delegation before departure, and to cooperate with the medical staff of Beijing Plateau Adaptation Research and Rehabilitation Center, Intermittent hypoxic adaptive training is carried out for tourists in the tourism outlet of China Railway Travel Group to improve their ability to resist ischemia and hypoxia, and to avoid physical discomfort caused by altitude reaction to the greatest extent. The whole journey of "Heart to Heart, Jingzang" lasted 14 days. Passing through Xining, Lhasa, Nyingchi, Shannan and other places, tourists will enjoy the Potala Palace, a world cultural heritage, the Tibetan garden treasure Loblinka, the beautiful Yani Wetland, Basongcuo with the reputation of "little Switzerland", Lulang Forest Sea with the reputation of "making people not homesick", Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, a secret place to see Nanjabawa Peak from afar, and Yangzhuoyongcuo, one of the three holy lakes in Tibet There are five 5A level, five 4A level and two 3A level scenic spots with unique natural landscapes and unique cultural customs, such as the Holy Land of the Three Wonders of Art, the Ta'er Temple, and the Chaka Salt Lake, the "Land of China's Sky".

Departure ceremony. Photographed by reporter Jia Tianyong

According to Zheng Yuntong, the conductor of T175 train from Beijing to Xining in the west, in order to better serve the tourists in the exclusive carriage of the "Beijing Tibet number", the crew carefully launched a series of services: "active service", that is, to actively help key passengers in need; "Silver service" means to provide aging friendly services for older passengers; "Convenient service" means that passengers are equipped with blood pressure meters, sewing bags, chargers, disposable earplugs and other service supplies to provide convenience services to passengers; "Scenery introduction service" refers to the service of introducing the scenery along the train through the train broadcast; "Catering service": the train dining car has local chefs in Xining, which provides featured high-quality northwest cuisine, and can also meet the catering needs of passengers from all over the country, and is committed to providing a thoughtful, warm and comfortable dining environment.

Before the departure, the departure ceremony was also held to connect and interact with the site of the "Namtso Lake Day" activity of the 5.19 China Tourism Day in Lhasa. Leaders from the Resource Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Passenger Transport Department of China Railway Group, Beijing Tibet Assistance Headquarters, Chengguan District of Lhasa, Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, China Railway Beijing Bureau Group Corporation, etc. attended the departure ceremony. (Jia Tianyong)

(Editor in charge: Dan Zengzhuo, Wu Yuren)

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