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Beijing Tibet cooperation to improve the diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases in Tibet

09:17, May 20, 2024 | Source: China News Network
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In order to improve the diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases in the Tibet Autonomous Region, promote the development and construction of the Tibetan stomatology profession, and further promote academic exchanges and cooperation, on May 18, the Tibetan Autonomous Region Stomatological Association The "Snow covered Plateau, Beijing Tibet Cooperation - National Continuing Education Class on New Advances in Dental Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment Technology" jointly organized by the People's Hospital of Tibet Autonomous Region and Peking University Stomatological Hospital was successfully held in Lhasa. Professor Yu Guangyan, Honorary President of the Chinese Stomatological Association, and Professor Peng Xin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University Stomatological Hospital, led the expert team of Peking University Stomatological Hospital to travel to the snow covered plateau for academic exchanges.

All members of the Beijing Tibet learning classes took a group photo. Picture provided by Health Commission of Tibet Autonomous Region

Ge Sangyuzhen, director of the Health Commission of the Tibet Autonomous Region, pointed out that the state attaches great importance to the development of medical and health services in Tibet. In recent years, relying on the advantages of "group aid" to Tibet, the medical level of Tibet has developed rapidly. Since 2020, Peking University Stomatological Hospital has joined the ranks of "group" aid to Tibet, sending three Tibetan aid experts Chen Li, Zhang Wenbo and Yu Yao to work in the People's Hospital of Tibet Autonomous Region, fulfilling the mission of "contracting the department with the hospital", improving the oral health of the people with superb technology, using various resources to promote the development of Tibetan stomatology, and fully demonstrating the importance of treating patients and saving people The professionalism and feelings for the people of boundless love. This activity is of great significance to the development of stomatology in Tibet Autonomous Region.

The picture shows the exchange scene of the learning class. Picture provided by Health Commission of Tibet Autonomous Region

Professor Yu Guangyan, honorary president of the Chinese Stomatological Association, said that the establishment of the Stomatological Association of the Tibet Autonomous Region in 2018 was a milestone in the development of Tibetan stomatology. In recent years, Tibetan stomatology has continued to develop and made great progress. In the future, the Chinese Stomatological Association will continue to support the development of stomatology in the Tibet Autonomous Region.

The expert team from Peking University Stomatological Hospital presented a wonderful academic report to the stomatological colleagues from Tibet Autonomous Region. Yu Guangyan, Peng Xin, Wang Enbo, Zhang Wenbo, Yu Yao, Wang Xiaoyan, Pan Jie, Chen Li, Liu Kaining, and Han Bing shared valuable experience and research progress in oral and maxillofacial surgery, dental endodontics, periodontology, prosthodontics, oral implant and other fields. (Jiang Feibo)

(Editor in charge: Dan Zengzhuo, Wu Yuren)

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